
CALL FOR EXPERTS - Development of 10 training modules for social and family service providers

  • star Publikuar: 13-01-2023
  • star Skadon: 22-01-2023

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Kategoritë Ftesa për Tender
Numri i pozitave 1
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Shikime 8933


Function: Development of 10 training modules for social and family service providers

Place of work: Kosovo wide

Project name: Strengthening social service workforce to provide continued quality social services for most vulnerable children and their families

Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection in Kosovo – KOMF, established in 2011, is a coalition composed of 34 local and international NGOs working in the child protection field, with the joint mission to advocate and protect the rights of children in Kosovo.

KOMF supported by UNICEF and in partnership with USAID, is implementing the project “Strengthening social service workforce to provide continued quality social services for most vulnerable children and their families in Kosovo”. The project has four main objectives as follows: 1. Strengthen capacities of child protection and non-child protection front-line workers, to implement the Law on Child Protection, enabling provision of quality and sustainable protection services for children; 2. Strengthen capacities of social service workforce to provide quality social services for children; 3. Strengthen capacities of Municipal Directorates of Health and Social Welfare and CSWs on planning, monitoring, budgeting, and contracting of social services; 4. Increase awareness of decision makers, social workforce and wide public, on the importance of social work and provision of quality social services.

In the frame of the second objective, KOMF is publishing the announcement for the recruitment of local individual experts to develop 10 training modules for social service providers, as part of training program from Department for Social Policy and Family and General Council for Family and Social Services.

Purpose of Activity/Assignment:

The main purpose of this activity is the development of the 10 training modules for social and family service providers. At the request of the Department of Social Policies and Family / Ministry of Finance, Labour and Transfers, topics for the 10 training modules for social and family service providers will be as follow:

  • Social work and the profession of social worker;
  • Social policies and social protection programs;
  • Legislation on social and family services;
  • Planning, administration and financing of social and family services;
  • Monitoring and inspection of social and family services;
  • Case management, needs assessment and drafting of individual plan for clients;
  • Minimum standards of social and family services for child protection (0-18);
  • Minimum standards of social services and family for the protection of persons with disabilities;
  • Minimum standards of social and family services for the protection and well-being of the family;
  • Working with family, vulnerable groups and the community.

In cooperation with Department for Social Policy and Family, the training programs should be developed based on the legal framework for social protection, social services and child protection, administrative instructions, accredited programs and best international practices.

Note: 10 training modules will be developed by experts profiled for each topic of the module. One expert may apply for developing more than one module, among the above-mentioned topics.


In Kosovo social services are delivered through 40 Centres for Social Work in 38 municipalities and around 50 non-governmental organizations licensed by Department for Social Policy and Family / Ministry of Finance, Labour and Transfers, by giving them the mandate for provision of social services for citizens in need.

Currently, there is a lack of accredited programs on social services in Kosovo. Based on the KOMF Monitoring Report on social services, even in 2020 and 2021, the trainings are mostly provided on an ad hoc basis and depend on the support of donors or non-governmental organizations.

It is very much needed to develop accredited training programs on social services. As per the request by the Department for Social Policy and Family /Ministry of Finances, Labour and Transfers, KOMF will provide support and expertise to develop ten (10) training modules that will be accredited for further training of social workers in cooperation with General Council for Family and Social Services.


Develop 10 training modules for social and family services, developed by experts.

Supervisor: Project Coordinator

Start Date: January 2023

End Date: February 2023

Number of working days: 10 working days per module (In total 100 days)

The selection criteria are:

CriteriaMaximum points
  • Portfolio of expert (evidence of previous experiences) in the development of training programs in the social services, social protection, human rights, child protection or in the field related with the subject of the module.
  • Professional qualifications of expert in social fields.
  • Previous experience of expert in similar engagements.
  • Proposal of the program concept methodology.
  • The price of the financial proposal.

Knowledge/Expertise/Skills required:

  • Master degree in Law, Social Sciences, Social Work, International Relations, Public Administration, or other relevant disciplines related to the field, PhD is desirable;
  • At least five (5) years of experience on legal and policy framework on social services, child rights, social protection international and local context and in planning or financing of social services (for the module on Planning, administration and financing of social services);
  • Strong analytical and conceptual skills;
  • Excellent writing and communication skills;
  • Extended professional expertise and experience on drafting training programs in the area of children’s rights, social welfare and child protection;
  • Working experience with the NGOs, international agencies, government, in frame of professional expertise, advisory and capacity building role;
  • Excellent command of English language, in both speaking and writing.

All interested candidates are invited to send the below listed application documents via email, at;

  • CV;
  • Portfolio (evidence of previous experiences) in the development of training programs in the social services, social protection, human rights, child protection, planning or financing of social services (for the module on Planning, administration and financing of social services);
  • Proposal of the program concept methodology;
  • Three references from previous employers;
  • Financial proposal with the proposed daily and total fee (Gross). The financial proposal must include the statement of the validity of the proposal, at least four weeks from the submission date.

Deadline for submission:

The proposal has to be received by latest on January 22, 2023, by midnight. In the body text, the applicant should specify the topic of the module/s that he/she applies for. Proposals must be submitted in English language. Proposals received after the deadline or in other languages, will be not considered.

Please note that only the selected candidates from their documentation will be notified for the interview.

The modules prepared by the experts and KOMF, will be in the ownership of the Department for Social Policy and Family and General Council for Family and Social Services after the end of the contract

The selected expert will read and sign the service contract, together with the below listed documents: KOMF internal personnel regulations, child protection policy, policy against sexual exploitation and abuse and KOMF job description. the mentioned document constitutes the integral parts of the employment agreement between the employer and the consultant.