The “Integrated Water Resources Management in Kosovo” Program 1 (here in after the Program or IWRM-K) kindly invites you to submit your Offer2 in EUR (VAT excluded) for RFO 18/2023 for the Supply of weather monitoring equipment for UP/FCE. The offer must be submitted in a sealed envelope on or before 16:30 CEST on 11 August 2023 to the address below:
Skat Consulting Kosovo, IWRM-K Program
RFO 18/2023 for Supply of weather monitoring equipment for UP/FCE
136 Pashko Vasa Street
Floor I. No.5, Pejton, Pristina, Kosovo
DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 11 August 2023
Alternatively, the offer can be submitted electronically to the following dedicated e-mail address:
[email protected] , with the following subject:
RFO 18/2023 for Supply of weather monitoring equipment for UP/FCE
The technical offer must be submitted in one PDF document.
The financial offer (including price schedule) must be submitted in one PDF file as well
and encrypted with a password. The financial offer shall be DIGITALLY signed or signed
and scanned in the .pdf format. The same submission time as for hard copy offers
Max. size of uploaded files (per document) must not
exceed 20 MB
Password for Financial Offer SHALL be provided to IWRM–K only upon conclusion of the
deadline and required by e-mail3.
Companies failing to meet these requirements will be disqualified. Your Offer must be valid for a
minimum period of 120 days.