
Education Coordinator

  • star Publikuar: 02-11-2022
  • star Skadon: 13-11-2022

Ky konkurs ka skaduar

Kategoritë Arsim&Edukim
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Prishtinë
Shikime 2590

Job announcement for the position: Education Coordinator - Learning Centers Network

Summary of Duties:

The education coordinator will be a mature, detail-oriented and well-organized individual who will manage the educational aspects of the Learning Centers Network (LCN), specifically for Gracanica Learning Center (GLC), Plemetina Learning Center (PLC), Plemetina Building Learning Center (PBLC) Fushë Kosova Learning Center (FKLC) and Shtime Learning Center (SHLC) and its programs. The education coordinator should maintain an overview and long-term perspective on GLC, PLC, PBLC, FKLC and SHLC and be fully committed to supporting the best possible educational success for the children participating in the program.

The education coordinator will work in close relation with BSFK director, LCN project coordinator as well as plan with the Learning Center Coordinators. The education coordinator will work closely with other Balkan Sunflowers Head Quarters Staff. The education coordinator will seek to ensure that all participants in the project – Learning Facilitators, parents, tutors, and children – believe in themselves and that they can achieve outstanding results.

Duties in detail:

Educational Duties:

  • To have an excellent, on-going overview of the entire programme
  • To anticipate problems and needs specific to each centre
  • To master an understanding of the specifics of each centre and community
  • To spent on average at least 70% of time working directly in Learning Centers weekly.
  • To assist the centres’ teams by
    • Bringing new ideas/activities
    • Helping to prepare education material
    • Helping Learning Facilitators reflect on program
    • Helping with classroom organization
    • Helping develop curriculum
    • Supporting the planning of daily, weekly, and monthly education programmes
  • Prepare and conduct short trainings in centers and occasional network/coordinator trainings
  • Keep centers new and exciting and energize staff
  • Create goals and strategies for classes and center as a whole
  • Assessments
    • Prepare
    • Train Learning Facilitators
    • Review with Learning Facilitators
    • Report to donor
  • Network meetings
    • Assist center coordinators in planning and facilitating bi-weekly meetings
    • Take meeting notes and send to coordinators
  • Keep tutors motivated
    • Help with organization of tutor activities/trainings
  • Assist Coordinators in the managing of their center, and all Learning Center staff towards the fulfillment of their responsibilities and achieving excellence in their results – with the long term goal being for Center staff to work independently and self sufficiently

Community Liaison:

  • In coordination with LCN project manager, BSFK HQ staff, and center coordinators liaise with local and Kosovo institutions when appropriate and necessary
  • Assist coordinators with parent and community outreach program strategies
  • Assist in the preparation of bi-monthly parent meetings in each community

Administrative / Management Duties:

  • To implement the overall strategy for the Centers as well as participate in development and refinement of the strategy
  • Attend meetings organized by BSFK and other stakeholders related to the education programs
  • Work closely with institutions in relation to the institutionalization of the LC
  • To provide supervision and guidance when necessary and appropriate
  • To consult closely with other team members
  • To closely mentor the program directly in terms of the project objectives and the project indicators, and to continuously direct the program so as to surpass those objectives and indicators
  • To translate materials and interpret between Centre staff and other parties as necessary, in office and/or in the field


  • Collect and review weekly reports prepared by centers;
  • Provide short biweekly reports to BSFK Director;
  • Prepare project progress reports and final report;
  • Deliver narrative and financial reports timely to donors.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • PC is responsible to do internal Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) implementation of the project activities;
  • PC is responsible to organize external project M&E activities

Communication – project visibility:

  • Provide requested materials for the preparation of the communication materials;

ISO 9001 standards:

  • To implement BSFK procedures stated in ISO 9001 standards
  • Make sure that LC are implementing ISO 9001 standards

Compensation: The education coordinator shall be paid 500.81 Euro per month (minus pension contributions and taxes). The education coordinator will receive monthly net salary 430.00 Euro.

Working Time and Hours: The education coordinator shall work 20 hours per week. He/she shall be entitled to five days of holiday after every three months of work, which may be accumulated and used, for example, as summer holiday.

Timeframe: 15th November 2022 – November 30th 2023 (contract is signed for 3 months, and renewed based on the performance)

Required Qualifications:

  • The Faculty of Education or a field related to education, preferably master's level.
  • Work experience of at least 2 years in education.
  • Experience working with Ashkali, Roma and Egyptian communities.
  • Driving license, minimum category B, (Candidates who have a personal car are preferred, because the work is in the field)
  • Knowledge of the English and Serbian language are advantages
  • Knowledge of Microsoft office programs.

To apply, please send a motivation letter and CV to [email protected] by November 13, 2022 at 17:00.