Call for Project Proposals to promote labour rights, report violations, and engage in social dialogue with public authorities in Kosovo within the EU-funded project “Protecting and promoting labour rights of vulnerable groups in the labour market”
Programme overview
Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC) and BIRN Kosovo have the honour of notifying all interested parties for the Call for Proposals aiming to award EUR 150,000 divided into 20 awards in the amount of EUR 5,000 – EUR 10,000, from which 10 awards will be for the amount of EUR 5,000 and 10 awards for the amount of EUR 10,000.
The aim of the project, implemented by ATRC and BIRN Kosovo, is to improve the working conditions for vulnerable categories of employees, notably within the private sector, including workplace health and safety, through the promotion of social dialogue between workers and duty bearers.
This Call for Proposals will provide an opportunity for unions, CSOs, lawyer associations, journalistic groups, media associations and other registered groups or entities which operate and work in Kosovo to implement actions in the field of labour rights and improve the needs of beneficiaries, more specifically the vulnerable categories of employees, thereby contributing to improve the workers’ rights and working condition of the most vulnerable communities. The sub-granting scheme seeks to promote labour rights, strengthen capacities on reporting violations of labour rights, conduct research and engage in social dialogue with public authorities.
This Call for Proposals contains 2 LOTS:
LOT I: Research and strengthening inclusive social dialogue on issues concerning labour rights
LOT II: Raising awareness and reporting violations regarding labour rights
The total project budget for any financial support requested under this Call for Proposals must fall between the following amounts:
Lot I: Maximum amount of EUR 5,000– Duration: Up to six (6) months
Lot II: Maximum amount of EUR 10,000 - Duration: Up to ten (10) months
Applications MUST be sent by email to [email protected] by 21 November 2022, 4 p.m.
The Guidelines for Application and accompanying documents for the selection and implementation of the projects to be financed are listed below:
Applications can be submitted in Albanian, Serbian, or English.
Information sessions will be held on 8 November 2022, 10:00 A.M. at the Europe House in North Mitrovica and on 9 November 2022, 10:00 A.M. at the Europe House in Prishtina.
Questions regarding the Call for Proposals may be sent in English, Albanian or Serbian by email by 10 November 2022, to the email: [email protected].