
Call for Application on Digital Marketing Training

  • star Publikuar: 02-06-2023
  • star Skadon: 15-06-2023

Ky konkurs ka skaduar

Kategoritë Marketing
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Pejë, Gjakovë, Suharekë, Rahovec, Deçan, Obiliq, Junik
Shikime 13234

The project Kosovo Youth Participation – KYP
is organizing a training (for the second group) in

Digital Marketing

search engine optimize, content marketing, social media marketing and other relevant digital marketing interaction forms


Young people interested in IT, aged 18 – 25 from municipalities: of Deçan/Dečani, Fushë Kosova/Kosovo Polje, Gjakova/Đakovica, Junik/Junik, Obiliq/Obilić, Peja/Peć, Rahovec/Orahovac, and Suharekë/Suva Reka.

The KYP project strongly encourages young women to apply for this opportunity!


Send your CV, one-page Cover letter (specifying why you wish to apply for this training) and any Education Diplomas to the email address: [email protected] and cc: [email protected] with the email subject: Application for Digital Marketing Training.

The incomplete applications will not be considered for evaluation. All selected candidates will be contacted through email and telephone.


Additional Information

The 5 days training is expected to take place in Prishtine/Pristina during June 2023. The training will be organized as a practical, participatory workshop and successful participants will receive a certificate upon finalization.

Important: To facilitate the process and offer easier access for youth to the training, CARE will reimburse the travel costs of young people from rural areas and small towns.

About the Kosovo Youth Participation _KYP project

CARE, Office in Kosovo, in partnership with Students Helping Life Kosovo (SHL-K) is implementing the project Kosovo Youth Participation - KYP funded by the European Union (EU).The action will be implemented by CARE as the lead applicant and Students Helping Life - Kosova (SHL-K). The Kosovo Youth Participation –KYP contributes to the active inclusion of civil society in Kosovo in promoting democratic values, inclusive governance, and achievement of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The project’s specific objective is to foster democratic participation, civic engagement, and social inclusion of different groups of marginalized youth in Kosovo. The overall objective of the KYP project is to support youth with fewer opportunities, especially young women, from rural areas and small towns of Kosovo, in order to create additional prospects for their increased social and economic participation. All activities will be strictly informed by the five working principles: applying all rights, participation, and access to decision-making, nondiscrimination, and equal access, accountability and access to the rule of law, and transparency and access to information.


The views expressed in the document can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union Office in Kosovo.