
Terms of Reference for Consultancy: Proposal Development Consultant(s) in Migration and Diaspora

  • star Publikuar: 14-02-2024
  • star Skadon: 05-03-2024

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Numri i pozitave 1
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Shikime 2504

Terms of Reference for Consultancy

Proposal Development Consultant(s) in Migration and Diaspora

Title of assignment:Proposal Writing Consultancy
Sector:Migration and Diaspora
Type of contract:Consultancy
Eligible for:

Local consultant(s) – mandatory

International consultant – optional

Total days of assignment:Maximum 20 days
Reports to:CACH/Country Director and responsible project staff


Caritas Switzerland is a leading and independent organisation in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. The general objective of Caritas Switzerland is to fight against poverty. In order to achieve this goal, Caritas Switzerland’s Strategy2025 focuses on the three topics income, climate and migration. In the area of migration, the focus is on basic services for migrants and refugees and their social and economic integration. Caritas Switzerland consistently implements programmes according to the Nexus approach, thus combining humanitarian and development policy aspect in its projects. Gender, conflict sensitivity, partner promotion and participation are considered as cross-cutting issues in all country strategies.

In the frame of the migration field, Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo has been focusing on reintegration of Repatriated Persons(RP) and refugees in the last 5 years. Application of the Graduation approach contributes to combining labour market measures with psycho-social services to target groups for better and proper (re)integration process. On the other side, by providing expertise, networks and coordination with the local and national institutions, diaspora’s know-how and financial capital are utilized for the development of the local municipalities through Diaspora mobilization component. Moreover, through diaspora activities, CACH has supported variousB2B meetings, capacity building activities and diaspora investment projects.


The Republic of Kosovo has established a comprehensive legal and strategic framework for managing migration in accordance with the EU acquis, as part of its European integration efforts, and in alignment with the prerequisites of the visa liberalization process with the EU. The policy frameworks include policies and strategic documents in the area of migration, including those addressing integrated border management, prevention of irregular migration, development aspects related to migration, the role of the diaspora, readmission, asylum and international protection, reintegration of repatriated persons, as well as prevention and combat against trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants. Kosovo's Migration Strategy 2021-2025 focuses on addressing the challenges of migration through a comprehensive approach that includes measures for integration, reintegration, and diaspora engagement. The strategy aims to enhance the capacity of national and local institutions to manage migration effectively, facilitate the reintegration of repatriated persons, and harness the potential of the diaspora for socio-economic development. Key priorities of the strategy include strengthening legal and institutional frameworks, improving access to services for migrants and refugees, promoting social cohesion and inclusion, and fostering partnerships with diaspora communities and international stakeholders.

Diaspora has the necessary human and financial resources as well as the interest to invest at the local level in Kosovo. Therefore, considering that, CACH aims at using the expertise and the experience of the organization on leveraging the large diaspora networks and their resources. Business-to-business meetings, capacity building on investment opportunities for local and national officials, and implementation of Diaspora Investment Projects are some of the main Diaspora activities that strengthen the sustainable diaspora approach.

Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo is seeking for a team of consultants to develop a project proposal on the Migration and Diaspora field. The project proposal will be developed for a period of a 3-year project implementation, including presentation of target beneficiaries, actors and project phases. The document is crucial for submission to international and institutional potential project donors. CACH migration project stakeholders will be included in the proposal development including national and local institutions, project partners and supported beneficiaries. CACH will support the team of consultants with materials, project documents, experience/lessons learned and other required documents for proper proposal writing. Consultants should be knowledgeable with the national and local context on the reintegration process for repatriated persons, and integration process of refugees and diaspora. Furthermore, consultants are required to provide expertise in the diaspora context, practical analysis of the local context and potential diaspora investment opportunities. A team of consultants will work closely with the CACH staff, including Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Component Responsible and Finance.


  • Provide context analysis (on the (re)integration and the diaspora field and other related fields of activity) for the project proposal, including statistic data and trends.
  • Identify potential target municipalities for migration, integration and diaspora and potential project target beneficiaries.
  • Analyse applicable Laws, regulations and the Strategy in the field of migration, integration and diaspora.
  • Presentation of a concrete intervention logic (overall objectives, outcomes, outputs and activities), stakeholder mapping analysis for potential partners and stakeholders.
  • Stakeholder Workshop with key partners in the sector.
  • Contribute on development of draft-project concept note, draft-project proposal document, draft-budget proposal and draft-log frame. CACH will provide the forms / template documents which need to be included in the Pro Doc.
  • Preparation of the risk assessment for the project and interventions measures for mitigation.
  • In coordination with the Finance Responsible participate in the budget preparation proposal.
  • Cooperation with CACH/team responsible and partners involved in the project proposal.

  • Minimum academic education: Master’s degree in social sciences, development economics, international development or relevant field.
  • Minimum year of relevant work experience: A minimum of seven (7) years of dedicated experience with progressive responsibilities, in writing and editing proposals in the field of migration and diaspora. Presentation of at least two (2) professional references is required.
  • Experience in writing(successful) proposals for international donors is an added value.
  • Experience in working with international NGOs in the field of migration and diaspora. Prior working experience and good knowledge of donors and funding opportunities in Kosovo is a must.
  • A background in migration studies or related disciplines such as refugee studies or forced migration.
  • Knowledge of national and international governing migration framework. Expertise in community-based approaches to migration, including participatory decision-making processes and empowerment initiatives.
  • Familiarity with best practices in mobilizing diaspora sources, both financial and intellectual, for projects in their countries of origin.
  • Expertise in integrating gender perspectives into migration programming.
  • Expertise in quantitative and qualitative research methods, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  • Excellent written and spoken Albanian and English language. Serbian language is an asset.
  • Ability to travel throughout the country.

  • Inception briefing session with CACH (local and HO office) before the start of the mission.
  • Draft-logical framework and Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, specified with baseline data and target indicators.
  • Draft-project concept note, draft-project proposal document and draft-budget proposal.
  • Summary of relevant institutional and potential project stakeholders; interviews with target groups and identification report for potential partner municipalities and target groups.
  • 2 Workshops. One to gather ideas and information and the second one to present key intervention aspects, outcomes, processes and target area/group.

(CACH ensures that all proposal templates will be provided to the selected team of consultants. Documents and data collected from interviews will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate the project drafting process. All the project documentations are the intellectual property of CACH and will be used solely by CACH)

Interested applicants should send the following documents not later than 5th of March 2024 (until1 6:00) with the e-mail address: [email protected] with the CC - to [email protected] and [email protected]
including the application package with the respective documents:

  • CV(s) of consultant(s) presenting the professional background, experience and applicant’s details, professional references.
  • Two-page methodology/approach and time plan (for maximum20 service days).
  • Financial offer (with the daily rate fee).

Assignment duration is until 30 April 2024.
