The Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren is creating an innovation ecosystem through bringing together major actors in the innovation system, therefore support the entrepreneurial innovation. These actors include innovative, technology-oriented and creative businesses and start-ups, educational institutions, vocational training providers, civil society organizations and public stakeholders.
The ITP Prizren is the former German KFOR base and is composed of 40 hectares and around 50 buildings
ITP Prizren is announcing as following:
Tender for Property Insurance Coverage and General Public Liability
ITP Prizren invites qualified and reputable insurance providers to request the tender dossier for insurance coverage of its property as well as General Public Liability.
The insurance coverage sought should at least include but not be limited to:
- Property type: ITP consists of 50+ buildings, with cumulative area of around 50,000.00 square meters in an enclosed area of 40 hectares. Some of the buildings are tenanted and some are empty. Most of the buildings in the park were built after the year 2000, while some after 2010. The complete list of buildings with appropriate size in square meters will be forwarded to bidders by registering interest.
- Address of the Property: Innovation and Training Park, Uke Bytyqi Street, n.n, 20000 Prizren.
- Information on coverage requirements for property insurance will be provided on request.
- Information on coverage requirement for General Public Liability Insurance will be provided on request.
Insurance providers that express interest can perform the site visit between 23-25 January 2024.
Request for tender documents and questions regarding the activity must be sent by e-mail with reference number in the subject line: ITP/CP10, to [email protected] before 31.01.2024.
The responsible ITP officer will provide you with tender documents within a day. All the correspondence should be in English language.
Submission of tenders:
The deadline for submission of the full tender documents according to bidding conditions is 02 February 2024 at 16:00.
The tender documents can be submitted as electronic file via e-mail: [email protected] with reference number in the subject line: ITP/CP10, or through a sealed envelope, clearly indicating: Tender for Property Insurance Coverage and General Public Liability, ITP/CP10, addressed as follows and dropped to the tender box available at:
Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren, Red building, Floor 1, Office No: 117
Ukë Bytyçi, nn., 20000 Prizren Kosovo