Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is selecting a service provider (legal entity registered in the Western Balkans region) for the needs of the project “ORF Modernisation of Municipal Services (ORF MMS) - sub-project Regional Capacity Development Network in Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN+)”:
Provision of Capacity Development (CD) expertise to support the implementation of a Community of Practice (CoP) for the delivery of the comprehensive set of RCDN+ CD Programmes in the Water and Sanitation services sector
"Regional Capacity Development Network (RCDN+) for Water and Sanitation Services" invites expressions of interest for initiatives to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of Associations of Public Utility Companies(APUCs) and Local Governments (LGAs) in the six Western Balkan countries. By strengthening these associations, enhancing capacity development programmes and offerings, fostering policy dialogue, and providing regional services, the project aims to deliver equitable and safely managed drinking water and sanitation services that meet international standards. One of the crucial aspects of the project is the strategic investment in developing a comprehensive Wastewater Capacity Development (CD) Program, which includes creating a structure with skilled wastewater trainers to ensure the long-term success of wastewater capacity development through diverse delivery formats.
The objective of the upcoming assignment is to support and guide project partners - APUCs and LGAs, in delivering the Wastewater Capacity Development (WW CD) Programs. This support and guidance will be provided in two key areas:
- Associations delivering the WW CD Program “Enhancement of technical capacities of PUCs for O&M of WW Systems” will be empowered to adapt the existing comprehensive set of materials based on identified needs and to use these materials to train Public Utility Company(PUC) employees in a pragmatic and flexible manner using the Community of Practice (CoP) methodology (detailed in the attached Terms of Reference).
- Associations delivering the WW CD Programs “Introduction to WW systems for Decision Makers” and “Introduction to WW systems for Managers and Engineers” will be enabled to adapt the existing comprehensive materials and to train PUC and LGA employees according to the CD delivery methodology outlined in the curricula and comprehensive materials, including the Trainer’s Guide for the respective WW CD Programs.
We kindly ask all interested companies to submit the requested documentation only:
- Legal entity registered in a country of the Western Balkans region.
- Self-declaration of eligibility on request-signed and stamped.
- Declaration on integrity-on request-signed and stamped.
- In case of tenderer consortium, a declaration by candidate who is leader.
- Average annual turnover evidence (balance sheets): minimum amount of 488.957,50 BAM / 250.000,00 EUR net per year for the last 3 financial years required.
- Number of employees (5 min. required), evidence record from tax authority.
- Two reference projects in field of Capacity Development in Water and Sanitation Sector.
- One reference project related to the objective of the call in the Southern Europe region in the last three years.
- Provide evidenceon reference projectswith a minimum commission value of 80.000,00EUR or 156.466,40 BAM
Please note that all correspondence and dealing with the GIZ must be in English.
For a brief description of the terms of reference, declaration of integrity, eligibility criteria, as well as document self-declaration of eligibility, you can contactus via e-mail address: GIZ- BosnienHerzegowina@giz.de
The selected companies will be contacted and invited to participate in the procedure after the evaluation of received letters of interest (based on the above-mentioned documents).
Please send the listed documentation no later than 19.08.2024.to postal address of GIZ Country Office, BiH, Reference Number 83467922 as follows:
GIZ Office
Zmaja od Bosne 7-7a 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina Proceeding number: 83467922
Relevant for compliance with the deadline is the submission of documentation to the above-mentioned postal address. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
Note: Please note that only short-listed candidates will receive detailed tender documentation.