
Request for Proposal: Health Insurance Coverage for Solidar Suisse SEE

  • star Publikuar: 20-12-2024
  • star Skadon: 29-12-2024

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Shikime 893

Request for Proposal: Health Insurance Coverage for Solidar Suisse SEE


We are seeking a health insurance provider for our organization, Solidar Suisse SEE, which consists of 10-15 employees. The goal is to secure comprehensive, affordable, and flexible health insurance coverage tailored to the needs of our team.

About Solidar Suisse SEE

Solidar Suisse is a Swiss non-profit organization which campaigns worldwide for decent work and democratic participation and implements humanitarian action. The NGO has been involved in international cooperation for more than 80 years and builds on long experience and institutional expertise in both development cooperation and humanitarian action. Solidar Suisse was founded by the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions and the Social Democratic Party as Swiss Labour Assistance in 1936... Organized as an association, the bulk of our membership consists of collective members and several thousand single members. Solidar Suisse is a member of SOLIDAR, a European network of more than 60 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working to advance social justice in Europe and worldwide. We are a partner of Alliance Sud, the Swiss alliance of some of the largest NGOs active in International Cooperation

1. Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be licensed and accredited in Kosovo or Europe
  • Proof of previous experience with organization of similar size.

2. Coverage Requirements

Types of Coverage: All.

The organisation is prepared to contribute up to 80% up to 100% per employee per month. (please provide proposals for both options)

Geographic Coverage: Primarily for employees based in Kosovo and South East Europe, but should also support occasional international travel.

3. Proposal Requirements

  • A breakdown of available plans, premiums, co-pays, and coverage.
  • Any wellness programs or extra benefits available.
  • Details on how claims are processed and customer support is provided.

4. Pricing Structure

  • Full pricing details for each plan option.

5. Submission Instructions

  • Please submit your proposals by 29th of December 2024.
  • Proposals should be sent to [email protected]

We look forward to reviewing your proposal.