Ref. No: CFCU/MNE 227/ST-004
Project: The Cultural Renaissance form Skadar Lake to Kosovo (TIME TRAVEL)
Date: 20.12.2023
Expression of Interest
Engagement of the company for the Assessment Study in Pejë, Klinë and Deçan Municipality
Project Name: The Cultural Renaissance from Skadar Lake to Kosovo -TIME TRAVEL;
Assignment: Engagement of the company for the Assessment Study in Pejë, Klinë
Application Deadline: 27 December, 2023
Commencement Expected Date: 29 December 2023
Duration of Contract: 100 expert days (within 4 months)
Project Background
The Community Development Fund (CDF) was awarded a grant contract by the Government of Montenegro, Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare, Directorate for the Finance and Contracting of the EU Assistance Funds (CFCU) within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Montenegro Kosovo 2014-2020 under the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) funded by the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro.
The project the Cultural Renaissance from Skadar Lake to Kosovo -TIME TRAVEL under the thematic priority number 3 of the Programme Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage will focus on tourism development through promotion of the cultural and natural heritage that will contribute directly to Improve the volume, quality and visibility of tourism related to valorization of cultural and natural heritage and values.
We are pleased to invite all qualified Individual experts to apply for the above services. The complete tender documents may be obtained by the interested individual experts upon submitting of a request at the following e-mail address: [email protected] every day from 09:000-15:00 hrs.
Tender documents should be sent to the e-mail address: [email protected] at the latest on 27 December, 2023, 12.00 hrs. Late bids will not be considered and will be rejected.