The Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren works on the transformation of the former military camp of the NATO-led peacekeeping Kosovo Force (KFOR) in Prizren into innovation and training park. The park’s core idea is to attract innovative, technology-oriented and creative businesses and start-ups, educational institutions, vocational training providers, civil society organizations and public stakeholders to build an ecosystem, favourable to thrive entrepreneurial innovation and success leading to economic development in the Prizren region and beyond.
ITP Prizren is announcing as following:
Tender for Security and Surveillance Services
ITP Prizren invites qualified companies to request the tender dossier for the following tasks:
a. Provision of security and surveillance services for the whole area of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren
b) Maintenance services for CCTV system in ITP.
Request for tender documents and questions regarding the activity must be sent by e-mail with reference number in the subject line: ITP/CP08, to [email protected] before 25.10.2023.
The responsible ITP officer will provide you with tender documents within a day. All the correspondence should be in English language.
Submission of tenders:
The deadline for submission of the full tender documents according to bidding conditions is 27 October 2023 at 15:00, through a sealed envelope, clearly indicating: Tender for Security and Surveillance Services, ITP/CP08, addressed as follows and dropped to the tender box available at:
Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren, Red building,Floor 1, Office No: 117
Ukë Bytyçi, nn 20000 Prizren, Republic of Kosovo.