
Request for expressions of interest for Consulting Company for Development of detailed energy audit reports, Detailed Designs, Technical Specification

  • star Publikuar: 29-09-2023
  • star Skadon: 06-10-2023

Ky konkurs ka skaduar

Kategoritë Të tjera
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Pejë, Deçan, Gjakovë, Istog, Kamenicë, Klinë, Lipjan, Podujevë, Prizren, Shtime, Suharekë, Viti
Shikime 2583

Request for expressions of interest for Consulting Company for Development of detailed energy audit reports, Detailed Designs, Technical Specification
Country: Republic of Kosovo
Project Name: Kosovo Energy Efficiency Fund (KEEF) Ref. no: KEEF/1C5.1/CQ/2023 LOT1


As agreed with the government, European Commission (EC) and other development partners, and as stated in the new Energy Efficiency Law, the Kosovo Energy Efficiency Fund (KEEF) has been established as an independent, autonomous and sustainable non-profit legal entity, to serve as the primary financier for municipal EE building renovations in Kosovo going forward. The KEEF is now developing its marketing strategy and investment plan to finance EE projects not served by commercial banks, starting with the municipal sector. The KEEF would allow its capital to revolve over time, and thus seek to become a sustainable financing and implementation agency.

With the successful implementation of the Kosovo Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project (KEEREP), government, EC, and World Bank funds have been used to capitalize KEEF, which is seeking to expand the Project scope on a more sustainable basis. KEEF is planning to invest into and implementmore than 100 municipal projects over the next 1-2 years to increase energy efficiency in buildings and street lighting and, more importantly, create a permanent institutional structure and financing mechanism that can continue to renovatepublic buildings and public lighting, and eventually expand to other markets.

Description of the assignment

The Consultant will be required to develop detailed energy audit reports and same ones to convert them into tender documents by developing detailed designs,and technical specifications.

The number of buildings for Lot 1 are 12, divided per municipality as follow: Istog - 1 building, Lipjan – 1 building, Podujeve– 4 building, Suhareke – 3 buildings, Shtime – 3 buildings.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers’ (the Regulations), issued July 2016, and revised November 2017, and Aug 2018 for the supply of goods, works, non- consulting and consulting services.

The selection process will follow the selection based on Consultants Qualification (CQ) method, as defined in the mentioned Procurement Regulations.

Tasks to be performed

  • Task 1: Completion of detailed energy audit report
  • Task 2: seismic assessment, prepare detailed technical specifications and basic renovation designs
  • Task 3: Completion of tasks 1 and 2 after review

Consulting firm should offer a team composed with the following expertise:

Key staff:

  • Team leader with at least a Master's degree in Architecture or related field with 5 years of experience relevant to the project.
  • Mechanical Engineer with at least 3 years of professional experience relevant to the project, preferably in energy efficiency and renewable energy; with at least a Master's degree. The consultant must be a certified energy auditor.
  • Electrical Engineer with at least 3 years of professional experience relevant to the project, preferably in energy efficiency and renewable energy; with at least a Master’s degree. The consultant must be a certified energy auditor.
  • Architect with at least 3 years of professional experience relevant to the project; with at least a Master's degree. The consultant must be a certified energy auditor.
  • Civil Engineer Master's degree in structural engineering, or civil engineering with at least 3 years of experience with proven expertise in structure;
  • Environmental Engineer or equivalent with at least 3 years of experience in hazardous material inventories in buildings, in particular asbestos, and experience with requirements and practice for proper asbestos and mercury-containing CFLs removal, handling, transport, and disposal/storage including monitoring and personal safety equipment requirements.

The evaluation and shortlisting criteria

Selection will be based on the following evaluation criteria:

  • Relevant generalwork experience in implementing similarprojects (40%)
  • Firms-specific experience in detailed energy audit reports,and project designing(60%);

The qualification of key staff (or their CVs) will not be taken into consideration for the shortlisting/evaluation criteriaabove. The first ranked/successful consulting firm will be required at contract negotiations to provide the required key staff with respective qualification requirements.

Note: The firms can express interest in all lots but will only be selected for one.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in English language in a PDF form to [email protected] not later than 06.10.2023,at 16.00h.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours – 08.30 to 16.30 hours. KosovoEnergy Efficiency Fund (KEEF)

Floor 7, Former building of Ljubljana 10000Pristina, Republic of Kosovo

Request for expressions of interest for Consulting Companyfor Development of detailed energyaudit reports, DetailedDesigns, Technical Specification
Country: Republic of Kosovo
Project Name: Kosovo Energy Efficiency Fund (KEEF) Ref. no: KEEF/1C5.2/CQ/2023 LOT2


As agreed with the government, European Commission (EC) and other development partners, and as stated in the new Energy Efficiency Law, the Kosovo Energy Efficiency Fund (KEEF) has been established as an independent, autonomous and sustainable non-profit legal entity, to serve as the primary financier for municipal EE building renovations in Kosovo going forward. The KEEF is now developing its marketing strategy and investment plan to finance EE projects not served by commercial banks, starting with the municipal sector. The KEEF would allow its capital to revolve over time, and thus seek to become a sustainable financing and implementation agency.

With the successful implementation of the Kosovo Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project (KEEREP), government, EC, and World Bank funds have been used to capitalize KEEF, which is seeking to expand the Project scope on a more sustainable basis. KEEF is planning to invest into and implementmore than 100 municipal projects over the next 1-2 years to increase energy efficiency in buildings and street lighting and, more importantly, create a permanent institutional structure and financing mechanism that can continue to renovatepublic buildings and public lighting, and eventually expand to other markets.

Description of the assignment

The Consultant will be required to develop detailed energy audit reports and same ones to convert them into tender documents by developing detaileddesigns, and technical specifications.

The number of buildings for Lot 2 is 10, divided per municipality as follows: Viti-5 buildings, Gjakova - 5 buildings.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with World Bank’sProcurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers’ (the Regulations), issued July 2016, and revisedNovember 2017, and Aug 2018 for the supply of goods, works,non- consulting and consulting services.

The selection process will follow the selection based on Consultants Qualification (CQ) method, as defined in the mentioned Procurement Regulations.

Tasks to be performed

  • Task 1: Completion of detailed energy audit report
  • Task 2: seismicassessment, prepare detailedtechnical specifications and basic renovation designs
  • Task 3: Completion of tasks 1 and 2 after review

Consulting firm should offer a team composed with the followingexpertise:

Key staff:

  • Team leader with at least a Master's degree in Architecture or related field with 5 years ofexperience relevant to the project.
  • Mechanical Engineer with at least 3 years of professional experience relevant to the project, preferably in energy efficiency and renewable energy; with at least a Master's degree. The consultant must be a certified energy auditor.
  • Electrical Engineer with at least 3 years of professional experience relevant to the project, preferably in energy efficiency and renewable energy; with at least a Master’s degree. The consultant must be a certified energy auditor.
  • Architect with at least 3 years of professional experience relevant to the project; with at least a Master's degree. The consultant must be a certified energy auditor.
  • Civil Engineer Master's degree in structural engineering, or civil engineering with at least 3 years of experience with proven expertise in structure;
  • Environmental Engineer or equivalent with at least 3 years of experience in hazardous material inventories in buildings, in particular asbestos, and experience with requirements and practice for proper asbestosand mercury-containing CFLs removal, handling,transport, and disposal/storage including monitoring and personal safety equipment requirements.

The evaluation and shortlisting criteria

Selection will be based on the following evaluation criteria:

  • Relevant general work experience in implementing simila rprojects (40%)
  • Firms-specific experience in detailed energy audit reports, and project designing (60%);

The qualifications of key staff (or their CVs) will not be taken into consideration for the shortlisting/evaluation criteriaabove. The first ranked/successful consulting firm will be required at contract negotiations to provide the required key staff with respective qualification requirements.

Note: The firms can express interest in all lots but will only be selected for one.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in English language in a PDF form to [email protected] not later than 06.10.2023,at 16.00h.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours – 08.30 to 16.30 hours. Kosovo EnergyEfficiency Fund (KEEF)

Floor 7, Former building of Ljubljana

10000 Pristina, Republic of Kosovo

Request for expressions of interest for Consulting Company for Development of detailed energy audit reports, Detailed Designs, Technical Specification
Country: Republic of Kosovo
Project Name: Kosovo Energy Efficiency Fund (KEEF) Ref. no: KEEF/1C5.3/CQ/2023 LOT3


As agreed with the government, European Commission (EC) and other development partners, and as stated in the new Energy Efficiency Law, the Kosovo Energy Efficiency Fund (KEEF) has been established as an independent, autonomous and sustainable non-profit legal entity, to serve as the primary financier for municipal EE building renovations in Kosovo going forward. The KEEF is now developing its marketing strategy and investment plan to finance EE projects not served by commercial banks, starting with the municipal sector. The KEEF would allow its capital to revolve over time, and thus seek to become a sustainable financing and implementation agency.

With the successful implementation of the Kosovo Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project (KEEREP), government, EC, and World Bank funds have been used to capitalize KEEF, which is seeking to expand the Project scope on a more sustainable basis. KEEF is planning to invest into and implementmore than 100 municipal projects over the next 1-2 years to increase energy efficiency in buildings and street lighting and, more importantly, create a permanent institutional structure and financing mechanism that can continue to renovatepublic buildings and public lighting, and eventually expand to other markets.

Description of the assignment

The Consultant will be required to develop detailed energy audit reports and same ones to convert them into tender documents by developing detailed designs, and technical specifications.

The numberof buildings for Lot 3 is 12, dividedper municipality as follows: Prizren-3 streetlights, Peja –

5 buildings, Kamenice – 1 building, Kline– 2buildings, Decan – 1 streetlight.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with World Bank’sProcurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers’ (the Regulations), issued July 2016, and revisedNovember 2017, and Aug 2018 for the supply of goods, works,non- consulting and consulting services.

The selection process will follow the selection based on Consultants Qualification (CQ) method, as defined in the mentioned Procurement Regulations.

Tasks to be performed

  • Task 1: Completion of detailed energy audit report
  • Task 2: seismic assessment, prepare detailed technical specifications and basic renovation designs
  • Task 3: Completion of tasks 1 and 2 after review

Consulting firm should offer a team composed with the following expertise:

Key staff:

  • Team leader with at least a Master's degree in Architecture or related field with 5 years of experience relevant to the project.
  • Mechanical Engineer with at least 3 years of professional experience relevant to the project, preferably in energy efficiency and renewable energy; with at least a Master's degree. The consultant must be a certified energy auditor.
  • Electrical Engineer with at least 3 years of professional experience relevant to the project, preferably in energy efficiency and renewable energy; with at least a Master’s degree. The consultant must be a certified energy auditor.
  • Architect with at least 3 years of professional experience relevant to the project; with at least a Master's degree. The consultant must be a certified energy auditor.
  • Civil Engineer Master's degree in structural engineering, or civil engineering with at least 3 years of experience with proven expertise in structure;
  • Environmental Engineer or equivalent with at least 3 years of experience in hazardous material inventories in buildings, in particular asbestos, and experience with requirements and practice for proper asbestos and mercury-containing CFLs removal, handling, transport, and disposal/storage including monitoring and personal safety equipment requirements.

The evaluation and shortlisting criteria

Selection will be based on the following evaluation criteria:

  • Relevant general work experience in implementing similar projects (40%)
  • Firms-specific experience in detailed energy audit reports, and project designing(60%);

The qualifications of key staff (or their CVs) will not be taken into consideration for the shortlisting/evaluation criteria above. The first ranked/successful consulting firm will be required at contract negotiations to provide the required key staff with respective qualification requirements.

Note: The firms can express interest in all lots but will only be selectedfor one.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in English language in a PDF form to [email protected] not later than 06.10.2023,at 16.00h.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours – 08.30 to 16.30 hours. KosovoEnergy Efficiency Fund (KEEF)

Floor 7, Former building of Ljubljana

10000 Pristina, Republic of Kosovo