
Call for expressions of interest

  • star Publikuar: 05-11-2024
  • star Skadon: 18-11-2024

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Kompani GIZ
Kategoritë Të tjera
Vendi i punës Prishtinë
Shikime 1438

As an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations, the federally owned Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its development-policy objectives. It provides viable, forward-looking solutions for political, economic, ecological and social development in a globalised world. GIZ promotes complex reforms and change processes. Its corporate objective is to improve people’s living conditions on a sustainable basis.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, is announcing as following:

Call for expressions of interest

The purpose of this contract is that through advisory and awareness campaigns, to encourage at least 800 HORECA sector businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, cafés, and small shops, to reduce reliance on single use plastic items (SUPs), identifying more sustainable alternatives, and highlighting the potential benefits of adopting such measures for their business.

The pollution of inland water bodies and the Adriatic Sea has become a serious regional challenge for the countries of the Western Balkans and for EU countries bordering the Adriatic Sea. Increasing amounts of waste in rivers and along coastline threaten economic activities such as tourism and fishing and endanger the health and livelihood of people throughout the region.

The marine litter in the Adriatic Sea consists of about 90% plastic. Of this, about 35% comes from coastal recreational activities and 65% from land-based sources.

Against this background, the German government commissioned GIZ to implement the regional program “Integrated Waste Management and Marine Litter Prevention in the Western Balkans” (MLP) in Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro from June 2022 until May 2025.

The MLP Programme joins hands with public and private partners to reduce marine litter. More concretely, the MLP programme is supporting the “Low Plastic Zone” (LPZ). This initiative is in line with the European Commission Directive (2019/904) on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, which was adopted in June 2019 with the aim to “prevent and reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, in particular the aquatic environment, and on human health, as well as to promote the transition to a circular economy with innovative and sustainable business models, products and materials”. The LPZ initiative aims to involve businesses, mainly hotels, restaurants, cafés (HORECA sector) and shops, in reducing the use of single use plastics (SUPs) during their daily activity. SUPs are plastic bags, bottles, straws, plastic cutlery (spoon, fork, knife, plate), plastic cups, plastic coffee/tea mixers, etc.

The programme aims to support 800 businesses from HORECA sector in Kosovo to voluntarily reduce single use plastic items (SUPs) in their daily business. These 800 businesses shall receive advisory regarding reduction of use of SUPs in their operations, potential replacement with more sustainable alternatives and benefits of taking such measures for their business.

HORECA sector is very important for the Kosovo economy. Considering the large number of tourists and level of consumerism, businesses of this sector use lots of SUP items to cover the consumer needs, disregarding the short-term and long-term effects of their disposal. International studies show that SUPs are the most commonly found waste in water bodies, seas and oceans, therefore aiming at preventing such pollution by decreasing their use is a measure of high importance.

Interested service providers (companies) are invited to submit the following:

  1. Proof of legal status (registration specifying field of services and/or certification documentation); Service provider’s details(name, postal address bank information, etc.).
  2. In case of tenderer consortium, a declaration by candidate must be provided.
  3. Average annual turnover for the last three fiscal years, at least 24,000 Euros/annually. Confirmations from the Tax Administration of Kosova are required.
  4. Average number of employees and managers for the past three calendar years: at least 5 people.
  5. The legal entity shall present one project in the technical field of tourism/HORECA sector/hospitality/plastic reduction and at least one reference project with international organization/donors in the last3 years.
  6. Provide evidence on reference projects with minimum commission value of 30,000 EUR.

All documents must be submitted in English language but do not need to be verified by a court translator and simple copy of documents is sufficient.

Interested companies are invited to submit their electronic application in English language. The deadline for submitting the application is 18.11.2024 until 15:00h, via email at: [email protected], titled/labelled as 83477022 - Reduce single use plasticitems.

Please note that:

  • Expression of interest and documents must be submitted in pdf format.
  • The size of emails for quotation is limited to 20 MB. In case the quotations exceed the maximum data size, quotation documents must be sent via , please provide the password, otherwise your application will not be taken into consideration!
  • You should use the reference number 83477022, otherwise we cannot consider your offer

After the evaluation of received expressions of interest, the chosen companies will be contacted and invited to take part in the tender. GIZ shall not bear any costs and expenses incurred by any bidder during the tender procedure and shall retain right to accept or refuse completely any offer, annul, or repeat the procedure at any time before the execution of a contract, holding at the same time no liability towards the bidders, and shall have no responsibility to provide reasons for such decision. The tender dossier will be sent only to short listed service providers.