Based on the provisions of Article 21 of Law no. 03/L-087 for Public Enterprises ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo", no. 31/15 June 2008), respectively Article 13 of Law no. 04/L-111 for the amendment and completion of the law no. 03/L-087 for Public Enterprises (Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo" no. 13/30 May 2012), article 15, under point 15.2.3 of the Enterprise Statute no. 2/58 dated 26.09.2022, Board of Directors of the Public Enterprise Infrastructure of the Railways of Kosovo, "INFRAKOS" Sh.A with headquarters in Fushë Kosovë, in the meeting held on November 15, 2022, decided to announce:
Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Public Enterprise Infrastructure of the Railways of Kosovo "INFRAKOS" Sh.A
Candidates for this position must be persons of known integrity who (i) meet the qualification conditions according to Article 17.1 of Law 03/L-087 on Public Enterprises (ii) meet the independence criteria according to Article 17.2, points ( d), (f), (j), (k) and (l) (iii) are not, or at any time during the period of thirty-six (36) months prior to the date of application have not been Directors of the Board of the relevant company and is or at any time during the 36-month period prior to the date of application has been (i) an elected public official, (ii) a political appointee or (iii) the holder of a leadership or decision-making position in a political party; (iv) have the necessary professional experience and education required for the position in question.
2. Mandate of the Deputy Chief Executive Officer
The Deputy Chief Executive Officer is appointed by the Board of Directors for a term of 3 (three) years, with the possibility of extension for another term.
3. Compensation of the Deputy Chief Executive Officer
The compensation and benefits of the Deputy Chief Executive Officer will be determined by the Company's Board of Directors in accordance with the Company's compensation policy statement.
4. Job description
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, in addition to the work foreseen by the provisions of Law No. 03/L-016 on Commercial Companies and Law No. 03/L-087 for Public Enterprises, there are also these duties and responsibilities:
Assists the Chief Executive Officer:
- in the planning, organization and control of the enterprise's business;
- In cooperation with the managers of the organizational units, coordinates the work of the enterprise in order to implement as fairly as possible the development policies determined by the Board of Directors of the Enterprise;
- Defines an effective strategy for Infarkosin;
- Closely cooperates with the board of directors and manages the company and reports to this body about the management of the company;
- Systematizes and organizes employees in accordance with the positive provisions and development policies of the enterprise;
- Supervise the preparation and implementation of the Business Plan in order to improve the company's performance;
- Leads and coordinates work with department heads and other company staff;
- To establish systems and procedures for the effective management of Infrakos;
- Represents the company in relation to third parties;
- Performs other work defined by law, governing acts of the enterprise and executes the decisions and recommendations of the Enterprise Board.
5. Qualifications and professional training
- To have superior preparation (university degree) in the technical, economic, legal or other fields related to the activities in which the enterprise operates;
- Have at least 5 years of experience in senior management (senior management positions);
- To have organizational skills, leadership and excellent communication skills;
- Proven skills in working with groups and enterprise organization or similar; Good computer skills;
- Knowledge of English language preferred.
6. Information on the competition procedure
Candidates for Deputy Chief Executive must submit the following documents:
- The application;
- Detailed CV including exact dates of employment and details of responsibilities for each position including level of strategic decision-making, number of employees supervised, budget and responsibilities:
- Letter of motivation;
- Proof of professional qualification;
- Proof of work experience;
- The certificate that is not under investigation (not older than six months) issued by the competent Court;
- Copy of the identity card.
The applicant must date and sign the affidavit stating that he/she meets all eligibility requirements. This statement together with the application can be downloaded from the website of the Public Enterprise Infrastructure of Kosovo Railways: https://infrakos.com/publikimet/punesimi/.
Completed documentation (the application together with the affidavit and all accompanying documents) is submitted personally in a sealed envelope to the archive office in the building of the INFRAKOS Directorate at the address Sheshi i Lirisi pn, in Fushë Kosovë, with the note: for Mr. Arsim Deliu, Secretary of INFRAKOS, or through the official e-mail: [email protected].
The job title must be clearly stated in the application and the documents attached to the application must be copies and are not returned. Applications submitted after the deadline are not accepted and incomplete applications are rejected. Candidates who compete must correctly enter the address and contact phone number, as well as the e-mail address.
Any material falsification, whether intentional or negligent, or material change from the information provided in the aforementioned statement, will result in immediate disqualification.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
The Railway Infrastructure of Kosovo, "Infrakos" Sh.A, offers equal employment opportunities for all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo and encourages all women and men from all communities who meet the criteria of the competition to apply.
Formal assessment of candidates and interviews will take place at an optimal time after the application deadline. The Board of Directors of the NP Infrastructure of Railways of Kosovo "Infrakos" Sh.A holds the right to form the short list of applicants as well as the selection of the Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
The job vacancy remains open from November 17, 2022 to December 16, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.
To download Aplicant's Declaration: CLICK HERE