
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - Public Relations and External Communication

  • star Publikuar: 15-03-2023
  • star Skadon: 29-03-2023

Ky konkurs ka skaduar

Kategoritë Ftesa për Tender
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Prishtinë
Shikime 4614



COUNTRY - Kosovo

NAME OF PROJECT- Financial Sector Strengthening Project,

IDA Credit No. 6416-XK

Project ID No.165147

ASSIGMENT TITLE: Public Relations and External Communication

Reference number: FSSP-CQ-CS-07

Date: March 15, 2023


The Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund is an independent, development-orientated legal entity that provides credit guarantees for MSMEs, by sharing the credit risk with financial institutions. By guaranteeing the credit portfolios of financial institutions we aim to enhance access to finance for MSMEs, support entrepreneurship development, support domestic production and services that create added value, create new jobs and support overall economic development.

The KCGF works with banks, MFIs, NFBIs, donors, the Government of Kosovo; The Central Bank of Kosovo, and the MSME community to achieve the following objectives:

  • Contribute to unlocking and mobilizing excess liquidity at the banks to catalyze business growth and employment
  • Increase lending to MSMEs in Kosovo from the local financial institutions
  • Create jobs, increase local production and value-added services, improve the trade balance, broaden the tax base, strengthen the social safety net, and reduce poverty
  • Enhance opportunities for underserved economic sectors and populations including women, minorities, farmers, entrepreneurs, and youth
  • Building a stable and independent institution, taking care not to promote wrong incentives in the market

To increase brand awareness, and position of the brand as well as communicate the main objectives KCGF aims to achieve, as part of its mission, below are the main objectives of the consultancy.

Objective of the Consultancy

In line with its objectives, the KCGF will contract a marketing agency that will be the main service provider for designing and creating communications tools needed to promote KCGF Values.

Scope of work

The service provider (company or consortium) will be required to provide the following External Communication service for the KCGF, as follows:

  1. Production of brand Image video commercial and print/digital concept
  2. Branding of the KCGF products, create a concept design for all windows (up to five).
  3. Production of short videos for social media usage.

• For the request under a) the offer shall include:

  • production of one TV commercial, maximum of 60 seconds long which will present the purpose, function, and identity of KCGF – brand image commercial with at least 3 short versions with different messages

a) The producers will deliver the video in all formats, suitable for main media including TV and social media usage.

b) The producers will deliver brand image print/digital concept designs

c) The video will be produced with Albanian voice-over and English subtitles

d) The producers will deliver the video in all easy-to-access device formats.

e) The producers will deliver editable files for print/digital designs

f) The property rights of the videos will belong to the World Bank and to the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund.

• For the request under b) the offer shall include:

  • Create original and creative design proposal for requested KCGF products – up to five (5) guarantee windows
  • Original photography

• For the request under c) the offer shall include:

  • Production of short videos (up to 5) length maximum of 45 seconds with a clear message, original and creative video graphics, and content

Project manager:

The winning company is obliged to appoint a project manager. A project manager in close cooperation with the responsible persons in the KCGF will be responsible for coordinating and executing the terms of this contract. The Project Manager will be responsible for the overall management of this contract, including team management and support, and coordination between parties involved, and will act as the main point of contact for communications and reporting. She/ He will ensure that all resources required are available for the high-quality production of the contracted products and activities.

Specific Tasks

  1. Prepare a proposal for the video, including its content. Storyboard to be submitted in order that the PIU and the Bank will approve this proposal before the consultant proceeds.
  2. Prepare a script, consistent with the proposal, which will be approved by the PIU and the Bank.
  3. Provide all services for post-production, animation, and soundtrack.
  4. Produce a draft video, including the infographics and animations, with an Albanian soundtrack with subtitles in English, as well as a second version with English soundtracks and Albanian subtitles, satisfactory to PIU and the Bank. The translation should be checked and approved by the PIU and the Bank before working on the soundtrack.
  5. Bring design proposals (at least 3 concepts) for branding of KCGF windows
  6. Designs should be editable and adaptable for all KCGF advertising channels (website; print formats A4/B5; social media; infographics, etc.)
  7. Participate in meetings with PIU and the Bank to discuss and approve the work plan, script, and draft video.
  8. Produce and deliver the final video.
  9. Produce and deliver final designs as required by this ToR.


  • The Consultant should be a consulting firm with relevant project experience in producing PR or informational video clips. The work should be undertaken by a consulting team consisting of experts who have the skills and credentials to perform the work.
  • The Consulting companies must have successfully implemented a similar contract in the last 3 years (2019,2020, 2021).
  • The Consultant should have its own resources to carry out the task and produce the video (camera, video, etc.) as well as its own working space.

Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications.

Length of contract

The estimated level of effort is (45) forty-five working days and will be completed by 31 December 2023, including coordination communications and exchanges, as needed, with the Project Implementation Unit (PIU).

Selection Process

The selection process will be based on the following criteria:

Relevant work experience with implementation of similar projects (50%)

Number of similar contracts implemented in the last 3 years (50%)

Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing (IPF) Borrowers, July 2016, revised Nov 2017, according to selection based on Consultants Qualifications (CQ) method.

Upon successful selection, the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund (KCGF) will inform all the applicants of the status of selection.

Interested consulting firms may obtain further information at the address below during office hours: 08:0-16:0hrs (Monday to Friday). Expression of interest must be delivered by e-mail, to the address below by; March 29, 2023.

Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund, KCGF

Address:"Njazi Alishani No.5

10000, Prishtina, Kosovo
