COUNTRY - Kosovo
NAME OF PROJECT- Financial Sector Strengthening Project,
IDA Credit No. 6416-XK
Project ID No.165147
ASSIGMENT TITLE: Survey on new products
Reference number: FSSP-CQ-CS-01
Date: March 15, 2023
The Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund (KCGF) is an independent legal entity established by its law, to help meet the need for increased access to finance for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Kosovo to create jobs, increase local production, and value-added services, improve the trade balance, and enhance financing opportunities for MSMEs.
The Government of Kosovo (GoK) has received a Credit from the International Development Association (IDA) in the amount of Euro 22.3 million (USD 25 million equivalent) to finance the Financial Sector Strengthening Project, expected to be implemented within a three-year period. The Project aims to assist the GoK to improve access to finance for Micro, Small, and Medium Sized Enterprises by strengthening the financial and technical capacity of the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund.
Purpose and Scope of the Consultancy
The objective of this Request for Expression of Interest is to invite legally constituted consulting firms to provide their services in developing a feasibility study regarding the MSME market. This consultancy is expected to provide an assessment of the market trends, market behavior, and market needs, in order to introduce the best practices for the development and implementation of credit guarantee services.
Thus, the consulting firm will be responsible for: identifying, assessing, providing qualitative information, and proposing the possibilities regarding the advancement of current services (windows) and development of other services (windows) in accordance with market developments and Law on KCGF.
The Assignment will be carried out by a professional consulting firm that will be focused on practical advice of KCGF in the advancement of the current services and development of new services according to the market needs in order to bring higher impact/outreach in the sector.
Required Services
The objective of this assignment is to define the criteria for engaging a professional consulting firm that will identify, assess, measure, and propose to the KCGF the new appropriate services for the MSMEs.
Under the contract, the consulting firm should conduct interviews with all relevant stakeholders in the market (Donors, FI, associations, MSME) for identifying and determining a relevant path for KCGF to develop proper credit guarantee services appropriate to qualifying MSMEs.
For each specific sector, and client group based on the size the consultancy firm will define the following:
- To undertake the MSME market research study using national data to assess and determine MSME size and credit potential market.
- Market segmentation and an assessment of the level of investment of MSMEs through crediting (on different sectors) and its impact on employment generation.
- Barriers/opportunities related to the MSME development including access to finance, fiscal policies, laws, opening to the new local and international markets, etc.
- MSME challenges in maintaining or expanding the scope-related qualification of personnel, technology, investments, etc.
- Trends in the relevant field, expectations, and active programs for the development of the private sector.
- Stakeholder mapping of all involved parties (responsibilities, roles, and functions) and mapping of the entire value chain, relevant to credit guarantee products, to identify opportunities and challenges.
- Outline key development required to improve KCGF product designing and improve MSME access to the credit market.
More specifically:
The consulting firm is responsible for making a proposal with recommendations related to:
- Adequacy of KCGF current products/windows versus MSME needs, and lending conditions;
- MSMEs, sectors, and types of investments that need support from credit guarantees;
- Typical windows suitable to the MSME needs;
- Related actors/parties involved (list of contacts).
Deliverables should include the following:
- An inception report, including planned timeline and work plan, literature review of all relevant secondary sources, detailed methodology/approach, planned stakeholders to be consulted and sampling framework, data collection, and analysis tools, qualitative and quantitative protocols for data collection and analysis. Definition framework to ensure we have a common understanding of key terms and activities
- Any suggested improvements to the existing study scope, as outlined in this document
- Draft report, written in Albanian and English Language that meets the requirements
- One (1) electronic file of the clean (final) qualitative and quantitative data collected
- Final report
Indicative Design and Methodological Approach
The analysis is expected to conduct a mixed methodology utilizing quantitative and qualitative data and should rely on interviews, focus groups, and surveys with stakeholders – SMEs, business associations (SME representatives), experts, commercial banks, and KCGF donors. The analysis should make reference to KCGF documentation, larger-scale studies already conducted, and other studies of particular Credit Guarantee Scheme projects should all be included in the analysis. Interaction with a variety of stakeholders on the ground ought to offer a range of viewpoints, illuminating the analysis topics from various angles. The Inception Report should include a detailed proposed methodology and data collection tools for the market analysis.
Qualification Criteria
The consulting firm must clearly demonstrate that they meet the mandatory requirements set out below, or they will be excluded from further consideration during the evaluation process:
Successful Consultants must register in Kosovo as a condition for contract signature according to the legislation, or in the case of a consortium, at least one of the members of the consortium must be registered in Kosovo.
Required skills and expertise:
- At least 5 years of experience in conducting similar studies as per the specifications described above.
- Previous experience in the field of the banking sector and financial institutions.
- Strong skills in developing and using both quantitative and qualitative methods and conducting both types of analysis.
- Experience in working in or knowledge of the country where the market research takes place.
Length of contract
The estimated level of effort is (60) sixty working days and will be completed by June 30, 2023, including coordination communications and exchanges, as needed, with the Project Implementation Unit (PIU).
Selection Process
The selection process will be based on the following criteria:
- Relevant work experience with implementation of similar projects (50%)
- Relevant projects in the financial sector in the last five years (50%)
Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications.
The consulting firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s: Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing (IPF) Borrowers, July 2016, revised Nov 2017, according to selection based on Consultants Qualifications (CQS) method.
Upon successful selection, the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund (KCGF) will inform all the applicants of the status of selection.
Interested consulting firm or JV may obtain further information at the address below during office hours: 08:0-16:0hrs (Monday to Friday). Expression of interest must delivery in a written form or by e-mail, to the address below by; March 29, 2023.
Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund, KCGF
Address:"Njazi Alishani No.5, Street
10000, Prishtina, Kosovo,
Email: [email protected]