- The Government of the Republic of Kosovo through the Ministry of Economy has received financing from KfW towards the cost of the “Energy Efficiency Measures in Public Buildings at the Municipality Level in Kosovo "and intends to apply part of the proceeds towards payments under the works contract(s) for the implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures in Public Buildings at the Municipality Level in Kosovo.
- The Ministry of Economy, on behalf of the respective Municipalities, now invites Expressions of Interest from eligible Bidders for investment measures as follows:
Lot 4: Gjakova Municipality
- "Hysni Zajmi" school – Gjakove (3300 m2)
- "7 Shtatori" school - Gërçin, Gjakove(1180 m2) Implementation time is nine (9) months.
- Bidding will be conducted by means of the International Competitive Bidding procedure according to FIDIC Pink Book (two stages two envelopes) as specified in the “KfW Guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works and associated Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries Document version January2019, 1. update as of January 2021” (https://www.kfw-entwicklungsbank.de/PDF/Download-Center/PDF-Dokumente-Richtlinien/FZ-Vergaberichtlinien-V- 2021-EN.pdf).
- The maximum number of companies in a Joint Venture are 3 (three) and the overall Qualification Criteria include:
- Eligibility
- Historical Contract Non-Performance
- Financial Situation and Performance
- Construction Experience
- Environmental and Social and Health and Safety (ESHS) Experience and Capacity
- A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be downloaded after registration of the bidder from the web page https://me.rks-gov.net/en/announcements-2/
- For clarification purposes, the Employer’s address is:
Ministry of Economy
Attention: Dukagjin Bakija,
Head of Project Implementation Unit
Str. Mother Theresa, No.36
10 000 Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo
Email: [email protected]
And the Tender Agent address is:
GOPA Infra
Attention: Rainer Riha
Address: Hindenburg ring 18
61348 Bad Homburg
Email: [email protected]
The Tender Agent will responding writing to any request for clarification, provided that such request is received no later than 15 days before submission of the application at 15:00 (CET).
The request for clarification purpose and the responses shall be done preferably by electronic mail.
- The Applicant shall enclose the original and the copies of the Application in a sealed envelope that shall
- (a) bear the name and address of the Applicant;
- (b) be addressed to the Employer, and
- (c) bear the specific identification of this prequalification process indicated in the PDS 1.1.
Applicants may either submit their Applications by mail or by hand. Applications shall be submitted in accordance with the instructions
- Submissions in one (1) original and three (3) hard copies as well as one copy scanned electronic copy in PDF format provided on a USB-Stick.
- The Original Application (including all requested copies) shall be submitted not later than
- Date: 05 March 2025
- Time: 12:00 (CET)
at the following address, which shall be the controlling address for the purposes of the timely submission of the Application:
Ministry of Economy
Attention: Dukagjin Bakija,
Head of Project Implementation Unit
Str. Mother Theresa, No.36
10 000 Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo
Email: [email protected]
One (1) digital copy (CD or flash drive)of the Application shall be submitted not later than:
- Date: 05 March 2025
- Time: 12:00 (CET)
at the following address:
GOPA Infra
Hinden burgring 18
61348 Bad Homburg
E-Mail: [email protected]
The timely submission of the original printed version at the Ministry of Economy is decisive for a timely correct submission.
Late applications will be rejected
- The Ministry of Economy is under no obligation to accept any Applicant who expresses an interest. Should the procurement process be cancelled, the participating companies are not entitled to any compensation, nor will any reasons be given for the cancellation.
- The opening of the Applications shall be at:
- Date: 06 March 2025
- Time: 12:00 (CET)
Ministry of Economy
Str. Mother Theresa, No.36
10 000 Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo
- No minimum number of Applications is required in order to proceed to Applications opening.