
Call for Proposals Development of New Tourism Products in the Municipality of Pristina

  • star Publikuar: 02-12-2022
  • star Skadon: 15-12-2022

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Kategoritë OJQ
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Prishtinë
Shikime 4637

Call for Proposals

Development of New Tourism Products in the Municipality of Pristina

PPSE project and the Municipality of Prishtina invite interested parties to
apply for innovative ideas for investing in tourism products in the Municipality of Pristina and its surroundings.

The Promoting Private Sector Employment (PPSE) is a Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Kosovo project, implemented by Swisscontact in consortium with the Riinvest Institute. PPSE is implementing its Phase III (November 2021 to November 2025). The goal of the project is to facilitate operation of growing and resilient SMEs and farms in inclusive and consolidated economic sectors that provide decent work and income opportunities for women and men in Kosovo. The project is focused on two main sectors: Food and Natural Ingredients and Tourism.

PPSE project has actively collaborated with the Municipality of Prishtina and the private sector specifically in enriching the tourism offer in the capital, increasing the number of visitors and extending the tourists’ length of stay in the destination of Prishtina. Thus, PPSE and the Municipality of Prishtina have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the development of tourism products/attractions installation/design of a new Tourism Info Center, as well as the activation of the InPrishtina portal and social media.

Purpose of the Call:

Tourism is one of the main economic sectors worldwide, and the South-Eastern European region has been enjoying an increasing popularity and number of visitors. Kosovo has followed a similar trend, where the tourism sector has recorded double digit growth in the past years. However, Kosovo is behind the region in reaching the full potential of this growth.

According to the Tourism Development Strategy for Pristina the visitors flow in Pristina comprise of: travelers for work purposes; European explorers with low budget flights; night life visitors; Diaspora; young explorers; Asian and European groups in Balkan tours; visitors of cultural festivals; one-day travelers from Skopje; dental tourists; low budget backpackers exploring the Balkans; explorers of the former Ottoman Empire etc.

Pristina is the most visited city in Kosovo and the starting point of various tours and visits throughout the country. Pristina is also an integral part of regional tours. However, as a touristic destination, Pristina fails to reach its full potential due to only stays of short duration or serving as a transit point.

The limited tourism offer (i.e. things to see and to do) along with the lack of branding, promotion and information are key challenges for the city.

This Call intends to trigger private sector investment in tourism products. Tourism products are considered attractions and activities related to the city, nature, and culture.

Eligible Investments: innovative tourism commercial products offer that fall under attractions (things to see) or activities (things to do) that will improve the tourism in Prishtina and its surroundings, including surrounding villages and Gollak region. Examples of investments that could be eligible can be found at the following link:

Eligible Applicants:

  • Formal private sector companies with at least one year of financial record
  • Experience in tourism sector (recommended)
  • Generates employment and income in the sector

We do NOT Support: PPSE will not support investments in construction, renovating and similar investments. Operational costs related to the investment will not be considered.

Financial Support and Matching Funds: Applicants should ensure matching funds contribution by at least 50% of the total project. Priority will be given to the applicants with a higher share of investment.

Evaluation Criteria:

Tourism attraction concept (including degree of novelty that it presents and sustainability of the business idea)45%
Employment, income generation20%
Degree of public benefit (benefit of the community, value chain/sector actors, others)15%
Environmental impact (how the tourism product will have a positive effect in the environment, or the mitigation measures in case of a potential negative impact)10%
Cost share. Investments requiring less than 50% cost-sharing from PPSE and the Municipality of Prishtina will be awarded up to 10% of the points, with highest cost-sharing proposal receiving highest points.10%

Application: Parties interested to apply for this opportunity should send their Concept of the business idea to [email protected]

The concept document should at least include a) a description of the business idea, b) the approximate employment and income generation by the business idea, c) level of public benefit that the investment will create, d) a description of the environmental impact (both positive and negative mitigation measures) and e) the investment costs and proposed cost-sharing.

Inquiry Period: If you need additional information how to apply or regarding any part of this call for proposal,please send us your questionin written until 22 December2022 on [email protected]

Only short-listed applicants will be invited to provide a short power point presentation of their business idea to PPSE project and the Municipality of Prishtina.

Deadline for application is 15 January2023.