Volontari nel Mondo RTM opened a selection procedure for the selection of No. 2 External Experts for the Evaluation Commission of the NaturKosovo Endowment Fund in the framework of the NaturKosovo Project (AID 12382), funded by Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (AICS).
Volontari nel Mondo RTM is an Italian non-governmental organization whose mission is to promote dignity, protect fundamental rights, and support communities in sustainable development processes. It operates through medium- and long-term interventions with the active participation of local partners and communities.
RTM has been active in Kosovo since the humanitarian emergency of 1999. Initial interventions focused on direct, immediate assistance to the population and on the reconstruction of civilian homes severely damaged by the conflict. After the emergency phase, RTM has chosen to participate in and to contribute to the peace process and socio-economic development of the country through interventions in support of families in the fields of rural development, education, and women empowerment. At first, the activities were concentrated in the area of the Municipality of Klinȅ/Klina (central-western Kosovo), afterwards they were extended to the entire Peja/Peć region, and finally to the entire country.
The procedure forecast the selection of 2 External Experts.
- Project Overview
Project Title:
The natural and cultural capital in Kosovo and the sustainable tourist development of the Via Dinarica
AID 12382
Project Duration:
39 months [May 2022 – July 2025]
Consortium of Partners:
- Volontari nel Mondo RTM
- Centro Laici Italiani per le Missioni
with the technical support of:
- Club Alpino Italiano
- Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico
- Associazione Italiana Turismo Responsabile
- UTALAYA Foundation
AICS, Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo.
Geographical Area of Intervention:
Kosovo, West Region, Municipalities of Peja/Peć, Deçan/Dečani and Junik, with a special focus on the Via Dinarica mountain path.
The Dinaric Alps are a mountain corridor running through the heart of the Western Balkans. The trail, which spans nearly 2000 km, connects the countries and communities of Dinaric Alps by spotlighting the region’s common thread as well as its diverse culture. The Kosovo stretch of the Via Dinarica (part of the Via Dinarica White trail) extends for roughly 120 km through the “Accursed Mountains” National Park, in Western Kosovo. This trail is composed of seven sections of medium difficulty with breath-taking views, high peaks and many mountain springs along a marked footpath.
Aims and actions: The initiative is meant to contribute to the sustainable tourism development in Kosovo. It enhances the cultural, historical, and natural resources of the country, generating sustainable development and creating job opportunities for local communities, supporting the local institutions in the governance of tourism and in the promotion of the Kosovar stretch of Via Dinarica.
The project is built around 4 pillars of intervention: i) Enhancement of the offer and the quality of nature and cultural itineraries of the Kosovar part of Via Dinarica; ii) Building the coordination capacities of the local actors and authorities with regard to the Via Dinarica heritage; iii) Reinforcement of the socio-economic conditions of local communities; iv) Promotion of the “Via Dinarica – Kosovo” tourist brand.
- NaturKosovo Endowment Fund
Under the component of local entrepreneurship promotion, the project provides for a scheme of financial support to support local small scale For Profit, Non For Profit, Farmers entities focused on tourism services along the Kosovar stretch of the Via Dinarica. Such a scheme is implemented through the establishment and distribution of a NaturKosovo Endowment Fund (NKEF).
NKEF priority issues:
The initiatives supported by the NKEF are focused at least one of the following priority sub-sectors of the tourism industry: tourist hospitality, catering; mountain activities & sports; and local and traditional agri-food and handicrafts production.
NKEF Financial allocation:
The overall budget of the NKEF amounts to 360.000 Euro divided into grants between 2.500 and 18.000 Euro. The expected number of grants beneficiaries amounts to 30 initiatives.
- External Experts Profiles
Experts profile:
- Proven, professional 5-year experience in the relevant field of local development;
- Being by no means in a situation of conflict of interest;
- Have no relative/family member involved in any capacity in the Project.
- Being based in Kosovo;
- Not residing or born in any of the target Municipalities (Peja/Peć, Deçan/Dečani, Junik);
- Not having had any previous role in the Project (e.g. service provider, external expert, trainer, etc.);
- The knowledge of Kosovo’s official languages is considered an asset;
- The knowledge of English and Italian language is considered an asset;
- Analysis of the project proposals received within the NKEF;
- Participation in the meetings of the evaluation commission of the NKEF;
- Vote on the proposals during the evaluation commission meetings of the NKEF;
- Participate in the evaluation visits implemented on the field in the areas of intervention of the project;
- Contribute to the proposal review process together with to the NKEF evaluation commission;
- Provide with suggestions and recommendations regarding the implementation of the selected initiatives.
- ToR
Location of the engagement:
- Evaluation Commission meetings will be implemented in the Project Office in Pristina (Rr. Kadri Gjata 25, Lagja Tophane, Pristina, Kosovo);
- Valuative field visits on the Kosovar stretch of the Via Dinarica (in the Municipalities of Peja/Pec, Decan/ Decani, Junik).
Expected engagement (in days): from 5 to 10 days of engagement between September and October 2023. Experts are notified about EC meetings 7 calendar days in advance
Daily rate: The total amount of compensation will be discussed individually with the pre-selected candidates.
Compensation payment method: Per-diem.
Application method: the interested applicants are invited to send an updated version of the CV and a synthetic, exhaustive, motivation letter.
The expressions of interest have to be addressed via email to: [email protected] , indicating as subject: “NaturKosovo_External Expert_ Name and Surname” by 18/08/20223 at 12 a.m.