
ToR online webinars - YEEP II

  • star Publikuar: 10-02-2025
  • star Skadon: 18-02-2025

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Kategoritë Arsim&Edukim
Vendi i punës Prishtinë
Shikime 517


Name of the Project

“Youth Employment Enabling Prospects” YEEP II

Type of service

Speaker / Trainer for providing online webinars to young people



Type of consultancy

Speaker / Trainer


February – July 2025, 10 days of engagement

Expected start date

February 2025

Reporting to

SOS Children’s Villages Kosovo – YEEP II Project Manager

1. Introduction

These Terms of Reference serve as a request for proposals from individual trainers – speakers who are interested in providing online webinars for youth participating in the project “Youth Empowerment Enabling Prospects” YEEP II

SOS Children’s Villages Kosovo

SOS Children's Villages Kosovo since 1999 has been working to help children who have lost parental care or are at risk of losing parental care. While maintaining the attitude that every child should be part of a family, growing with the sense of belonging, respect and security, the SOS Children's Villages Kosovo program focuses on helping all children, youth and their families overcome life challenges through pillars such as: Alternative Care, Family Strengthening Program, Education and Advocacy.

High unemployment rate and poverty are considered to be one of the main factors contributing to the family breakup, so youth employment for an independent life remains a dimension closely linked to the organization's mission. For years, SOS Children's Villages Kosovo has been committed to contribute to increasing the employability of young people at social risk. The project “Youth Employment Enabling Prospects" YEEP II is a continuation of this commitment, but already as part of a broader regional initiative.

1.1 Context of the programme

The project "Youth Empowerment Enabling Prospects – YEEP II” is a continuation of the organization's commitment in increasing youth employability.

The project is financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – BMZ and Hermann Gmeiner Fonds Deutschland is going to be implemented from SOS Children Villages in Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia, Bosna and Hercegovina and Serbia aiming to offer improved employment prospects and active participation in the labor market of 2,770 vulnerable youth, aged 16 – 35.

1.2 Programme overview

Youth part of our program, are being supported continuously through tailor made trainings according to the methodology “Life and Employability skills: A training Program for youth” a program that enables young people to develop their talents, build their self-confidence and improve their skills needed for the successful career.

To further support the integration of young people into the labor market, online webinars are planned as an additional resource. These webinars will provide information on job and training opportunities in collaboration with company representatives.

This action aims

By offering online webinars, we aim to enhance the psychosocial support available to young participants in the project, provide information on job training opportunities, and strengthen their skills to successfully navigate the challenges of the labor market.

Considering all the above, SOS Children's Villages Kosovo is looking for an speaker – trainer.

The speaker – trainer will be responsible for providing 10 online webinars for young participants in the project.

1.3 Timing of the evaluation

The intended start date is in February 2025 and the employment in the frame of this project shall conclude on July 2025 with 10 days of engagement.

2. Objectives of the Evaluation and Scope

2.1 Overall objective - purpose

The overall objective of online webinars is to enhance the psychosocial support available to young participants in the project, provide information on job training opportunities, and strengthen their skills to successfully navigate the challenges of the labor market.

2.2. Desired results

  • Understand how work fosters independence by providing financial freedom, life skills, and self-sufficiency.
  • Identify essential skills valued by employers, such as problem-solving, communication, adaptability, and technical competencies.
  • Recognize the value of volunteer work and internships in building skills, gaining experience, and networking.
  • Comprehend the importance of networking for career advancement and job opportunities.
  • Recognize common mental health challenges faced in work environments, including anxiety, burnout, and depression.
  • Develop self-awareness regarding emotions, motivations, and overall well-being.
  • Recognize sources of workplace stress and understand their impact on productivity and health.
  • Understand the significance of time management for productivity and work-life balance.
  • Reflect on personal strengths, achievements, and value in the workplace.
  • Gain foundational knowledge of budgeting, saving, and managing personal finances.

During the process of provision of online webinars the trainer – speaker must respect the culture of the participants, social norms, values ​​and behaviors, as well as maintain appropriate relationships with the participants in YEEP II Project. The trainer – speaker must respect the confidentiality of the information provided during the webinars.

The online webinars should include but not necessarily be limited to the following information listed below:

  • Specific objectives for each webinar;
  • Length of the webinar;
  • Energizers;
  • Interactive discussion;
  • If considered as needed - Invite additional speakers from business sector that might contribute to the specific topic;
  • Realistic work plan with time lines in accordance with this ToR;

3. Work plan and Expected Deliverables

- 10 online webinars will be carried out for min 200 young people (min 20 participants per webinar);

- Online webinars will be carried out during the period of engagement (as per the mutual agreement);

- Online webinars will least 1-2 hours;


1. 10 online webinars on topics - The topics were selected by the young people themselves based on the needs they identified:

1.1 How does work contribute to independence? Why do we work?

1.2 What skills are required by employers and in the labor market?

1.3 Volunteer work and internship as a key to career development.

1.4 Networking as a driver of professional growth.

1.5 Mental health in the workplace.

1.6 How do you feel inside? It matters!

1.7 Managing workplace stress.

1.8 Time and productivity: How can we manage them effectively?

1.9 Learning to value yourself and build confidence.

1.10 Money management.

  1. Concept and detailed plan for each webinar session;
  2. Overall report on results;

5. Required skills (Experience and Qualifications) for the expert

  • Proven competency/experience (record of previous experiences) in similar field;
  • University degree in Social Work, Psychology, Social Pedagogy or equivalent professional experience.
  • Must have experience in working with youth;
  • Must have experience in business sector;
  • Must have experience and competence in training provision (online training desirable);
  • Must have strong analytical and conceptual skills.
  • Must have excellent writing and communication skills.
  • Must have good knowledge of the child rights and child protection system.
  • Must have good understanding of local context
  • Must have good personal and interpersonal teamwork skills.
  • Must guarantee timely delivery of expected results and tasks.
  • Must be familiar with ethical standards on issues related to children and are required to sign and adhere to the Child Protection Policy.

The criteria for selection are:


Maximum points

  • The trainer – speaker should have good knowledge and understanding of the situation of marginalized youth;
  • The trainer – speaker should have knowledge and experience in the field of social services
  • The trainer – speaker should have experience in business sector.
  • The trainer – speaker should have academic qualifications in social sciences such as Social Work, Psychology, Sociology, Social Pedagogy, Community Development or any related field is an advantage.


  • Concept of 10 online webinars


  • The price of Financial proposal




All bidders must meet the essential criteria. There will be a maximum of 100 points divided and 100 points in preferred criteria.

In case of unsatisfactory performance, SOS Children's Villages Kosovo will negotiate with the selected offers so that the work/ materials can be changed. If the work fails to meet expectations, the contract will be terminated through a notice letter seven (7) days in advance. Meanwhile, SOS Children's Villages Kosovo will initiate another selection in order to identify the right individuals/ companies.

6. Timetable

The online webinars will be conducted from February 2025 – July 2025. The final report should be submitted by 15th of August 2025.

7. Duration of the contract and terms of payment

Payment will be made only upon SOS Children’s Villages Kosovo, acceptance of the work performed in accordance with the above described deliverables. Payment will be effected by bank transfer in the currency of billing and is due 30 days after receipt of invoice and acceptance of work.

The payment to the trainer -speaker shall be made after services provision.

8. Copyright and other property rights

SOS Children’s Villages Kosovo will have the right to all intellectual property and other property rights, but without restriction to, copyright, in relation to the report, processes, ideas, documents and other materials that the Contractor has developed for SOS Children’s Villages Kosovo under the contract.

9. Annex - SOS Children’s Villages child protection policy and code of conduct

SOS Children’s Villages Kosovo has a child protection policy and code of conduct that expert will be expected to comply with and will be required to sign a statement of commitment to the policy. This will happen upon signing of contract, together with an orientation of experts on internal child safeguarding processes and data protection regulations.

Before the actual start of data collection, a police check is to be provided, in case any sensitive data is planned.

In addition to the above mentioned, the following key areas for ethical consideration need to be taken into account:

Graham, A., Powell, M., Taylor, N., Anderson, D. & Fitzgerald, R. (2013). Ethical Research Involving Children. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti.

10. Instruction to bidders (Process of submission of Bids)

The bidders are welcome to submit their proposal for the Online webinars, electronically in PDF format and sent to [email protected]

This bid is open to all independent trainers – speakers who can provide the requested services. The proposal and all supplementary documents have to be submitted in Albanian language. Financial bid needs to be stated in euro.

Documents to submit:

  • Bid submission: Proposal with specific objectives for each webinar and general description on the webinar; Realistic work plan with time lines in accordance with this ToR;
  • Technical proposal with methodology and expected results;
  • Financial Proposal;
  • Name and contact details of the trainer – speaker as well as description of relevant past experiences in such or similar field;
  • CVs of the trainer – speakers;
  • Three references (at least two of them must be familiar with your work)
  • ID copy
  • Evidence that the applicant is not under investigation

Deadline for submission:

The proposal has to be sent by latest on 18.02.2025.

Proposals sent after the deadline will not be considered.