Countrywide Public Awareness Campaign
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RFP # FFP-011
For the provision of
Countrywide Public Awareness Campaign
Contracting Entity:
Chemonics Kosovo
Bedri Pejani 17/3, Pristina, Kosovo
Funded by:
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Funded under:
Justice Activity in Kosovo
Prime Contract Number 72016720C00002
Chemonics is committedto integrity in procurement, and only selects suppliers basedon objective businesscriteria such as price and technical merit. Chemonics expects suppliers to comply with our Standards of Business Conduct, available at https://www.chemonics.com/our-approach/standards-business-conduct/.
Chemonics does not tolerate fraud,collusion among offerors,falsified proposals/bids, bribery, or kickbacks. Any firmor individual violating these standards will be disqualified from this procurement, barred from future procurement opportunities, and may be reported to both USAIDand the Officeof the Inspector General.
Employees and agentsof Chemonics are strictly prohibited from asking for or accepting any money, fee, commission, credit,gift, gratuity, object of value or compensation from current or potential vendors or suppliers in exchange for or as a reward for business. Employees and agents engaging in this conduct are subject to termination and will be reported to USAID and the Office of the Inspector General. In addition, Chemonics will inform USAID and the Office of the Inspector General of any supplier offersof money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, object of value or compensation to obtainbusiness.
Offerors responding to this RFP must include the following as part of the proposal submission:
- Disclose any close, familial, or financial relationships with Chemonics or project staff. For example, if an offeror’scousin is employed by the project, the offeror must state this.
- Disclose any family or financial relationship with other offerors submitting proposals. For example, if the offeror’s father owns a companythat is submitting another proposal, the offeror must state this.
- Certify that the prices in theoffer have been arrived at independently, withoutany consultation, communication, or agreement with any other offeror or competitor for the purpose of restricting competition.
- Certify that all information in the proposaland all supporting documentation are authentic and accurate.
- Certify understanding and agreement to Chemonics’ prohibitions against fraud, briberyand kickbacks.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns regarding the above information or to report any potential violations. Potential violations may also be reported directly to Chemonics at to [email protected] or by phone/Skype at 888.955.6881.
For more information: Download PDF