
Local expert to prepare and facilitate the process of drafting the manual/guidelines for the implementation of the administrative instructions for contracting/outsourcing social and family services

  • star Publikuar: 07-09-2022
  • star Skadon: 16-09-2022

Ky konkurs ka skaduar

Kompani UNDP in Kosovo
Kategoritë OJQ
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Prishtinë
Shikime 3501
Location :Prishtine, Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999)
Application Deadline :16-Sep-22 (Midnight New York, USA)
Time left :9d 21h 1m
Type of Contract :Individual Contract
Post Level :National Consultant
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract :01 October 2022 – 30 November 2022
Expected Duration of Assignment :01 October 2022 – 30 November 2022

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

The COVID-19 crisis has had a significant impact on people’s lives – in terms of jobs, livelihoods, delivery of basic services – and particularly for those already in vulnerable situations who have been hit the hardest. The costs of institutional response to the crisis are continuously facing diverse challenges on equal distribution amongst the population and are affecting social groups differently. While policy responses must be just, fair, and equal for all, they should also attempt to address diverse needs be it of women, youth, minority communities, or disabled individuals.

The Social Assistance Scheme (SAS) absorbs approximately 88% of the budget for social assistance. The pandemic has exposed a series of gaps in the governance system which has affected the work of institutions and other service delivery entities in provision of social services. The work of social service providers is augmented through licensed NGOs/other entities who cooperate with CSWs, municipal departments, and the Ministry of Finance, Labor, and Transfers (MFLT).

The administrative instruction Nr. 02/2020 on licensing on NGOs and private legal entities providing social and family services sets out the application procedures, conditions, and criteria that must be met by NGOs and Legal Entities in order to license for provision of social and family services, organization, and functioning of commissions that implement and decide on the licensing procedure, the issuance, rejection, renewal, and revocation of licenses as well as the types of licenses appeal procedure and payment of licensing fees. As such, UNDP continues to support the establishment of proper legal infrastructure to the MFLT/DSFP and NGOs/legal entities providing social and family services. 

Objectives of Assignment

The objective of the task is to prepare and facilitate the process of drafting the manual/guidelines for the implementation of the administrative instructions for contracting/outsourcing social and family services based on the content, conditions, and criteria’s for providing such services.

Duties and Responsibilities

The expert will work under direct supervision of the Project Analyst to:

  1. Complete the desk review of the legal and policy framework, including administrative instructions;
  2. Organize and facilitate meetings / workshops with the working group for drafting the manual/guidelines for the provision of services for the implementation of the administrative instructions;
  3. Develop a manual/guidelines for the implementation and development of other decision-making procedures based on the administrative instructions, including working processes and the responsibilities of decision-making bodies;
  4. Incorporate and finalize inputs and suggestions from members of the working group and other actors involved in the implementation of administrative instructions, guidelines;
  5. Prepare final report on delivered trainings and produced documents.

Note: The expert should work closely and continuously with the other expert who will be engaged for the development of the manual/guidelines from the administrative instructions.

Deliverables/OutputsTarget Due Date
  1. Complete the desk review of appropriate literature, including both administrative instructions for contracting/outsourcing social and family services.
05 October 2022
  1. Organize and facilitate meetings / workshops with the working group for drafting the manual/guidelines for the implementation of the administrative instructions (1 day preparation and two workshops for two days).
20 October 2022
  1. Develop a manual/guidelines for the implementation and development of other decision-making procedures based on the administrative instructions, including working processes and the responsibilities of decision-making bodies.
30 October 2022
  1. Incorporate and finalize inputs and suggestions from members of the working group and other actors involved in the implementation of the administrative instructions, guidelines, and working forms.
10 November 2022
  1. Prepare final report on delivered trainings and produced documents.
25 November 2022

Remuneration - Lump Sum Amount:

The Contract is based on lump sum remuneration and shall be processed subject to deliverables as per the schedule listed below: 

  • First installment 40% of the contract value upon successful completion and validation of deliverables 1 and 2 by UNDP.
  • Second installment 50% of the contract value upon successful completion and validation of deliverables 3 and 4, by UNDP in consultation with the MFLT/DSPF.
  • Last installment 10% upon successful completion and validation of deliverable 5 by UNDP.

Required Presentation of Offer: 

The following documents are requested:

  • Personal CV and P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Offeror and at least three (3) professional references. 
  • Brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment.
  • Technical proposal, a max. 2-page document briefly outlining the methodology envisaged for the assignment for delivering the expected results within the indicated timeframe.
  • Financial Proposal that indicates lump sum payment based on completion of deliverables. 
  • Copy of Diplomas and copy of Passport.

Criteria for selection of the Best Offer

Offers will be evaluated utilizing a combined Scoring method – where the qualifications and technical proposal will be weighted a max. of 70% and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a max of 30%.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Committed to professionalism, impartiality, accountability, and integrity.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, ethnicity, and age sensitivity and adaptability.
  • Demonstrates substantial experience in gender equality. Actively promotes gender equality in all activities.
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional Competencies:

  • Empathy and patience, people orientation.
  • Ability to work effectively within a team.
  • Punctuality and honoring of commitments.
  • Ability to synthesize research, various viewpoints, and draw conclusions on the related subjects.
  • Ability to pay attention to details.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
  • Ability to establish effective working relations in a multicultural team environment.
  • Good organizational skills.
  • Commitment to accomplish work.
  • Responds positively to critical feedback.
  • Results and task oriented.
Required Skills and Experience


  • MA Degree or equivalent in development economics, business administration, social services.


  • At least 5 years of experience working with institutions in drafting legislation or any public document;
  • Experience in drafting manuals and case management working forms or manuals in the field of social protection, social services, and the justice sector;
  • Experience in facilitating the drafting processes of manuals and case management working forms development based in sub legal act;
  • Experience in working with local and central institution in social services sector;
  • Experience in working and preparing similar documents for people with disabilities and the elderly;
  • Knowledge on MFLT/DSPF legal framework, policies, and other legal documents is an advantage.

Language requirements:

  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills in clear and fluent Albanian and English. Knowledge of Serbian is considered an asset.

Application Instructions:

  • Click on the "Apply now" button.
  • Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and motivation; You can type in, or paste your short Resume into the last box.
  • Upon completion of the first page, please hit "submit application" tab at the end of the page. On the next page, you will be asked to upload your Resume.
  • System will only allow one attachment. All docs (CV; P11; financial offer; list of similar profiles should be included as one attachment).
  • Please make sure to submit all the requested documents/information; otherwise, your application will be considered incomplete.