
Final Project Evaluation

  • star Publikuar: 27-02-2023
  • star Skadon: 20-03-2023

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Kategoritë OJQ
Numri i pozitave 1
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Shikime 9987

Doing the right thing. We are active in Switzerland and 20 countries on four continents. Join us with a commitment to help us bring about a more caring society, as

Short-term Consultant:
Evaluation – Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Economic Development, SIRED project in Kosovo

Please note that this is a short version of the Terms of Reference (ToR) for this assignment. The full version incl. application procedure can be found here.

Caritas Switzerland is an independent Swiss NGO, engaged in Switzerland and in more than 20 countries worldwide, including Kosovo. Our mission is to prevent, combat and eradicate poverty in a sustainable manner. To achieve this goal, Caritas employs a policy of equity: we support inclusive communities with opportunities for everyone regardless of their ethnic background, group affiliation or gender. Caritas Switzerland has been working in Kosovo since 1999, focusing on social inclusion, rural development and rehabilitation. Based on the Strategy 2021-2025, our central themes are Income, Climate Change and Migration. Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo is implementing a highly regarded agricultural project which aims at contributing to socio-economic development of the country by supporting farmers and the sector in income generation and new employment opportunities. In particular, the SIRED project contributes to more sustainable and inclusive market systems by increasing participations of producers and market actors and enhancing their income and productivity, thus contributing to poverty reduction for rural populations, particularly women and marginalized groups.

The main purpose of this Evaluation is to provide an independent assessment of the project implementation and whether it has delivered the intended outputs and achieved its expected outcomes considering relevance, coherence, and effectiveness, taking into consideration cross-cutting issues such as gender equality, social inclusion, and environment. The evaluation will analyse the whole scope of the project and its results framework, which comprises all elements of the intervention logic.

Deliverables and Timeframe

The assignment is planned to start the mid-April 2023 and to be completed by the latest 15th of June 2023. A maximum of 55 working days are foreseen for international and local expert jointly. Deliverables (in English) include an inception report, the presentation of preliminary findings and a final evaluation report.


The team should combine the following qualifications:

  • The team leader should have at least master’s degree in agriculture, rural development or International Development, or any other relevant university degree related to the evaluation
  • The team leader should have at least 8 years of experience in working with international development and evaluating according to the OECD/DAC criteria;
  • For the team leader solid experience in programme/project evaluation proven by at least two (2) evaluation roles as “Team Leader” is required;
  • Significant knowledge of the MSD approach in the team;
  • Profound technical expertise in the field of rural development, agriculture and development, private sectorand business development;
  • Extensive expertise, knowledge and experience in the field of evaluation of development programmes;
  • Extensive experience in qualitative data collection (planning and conduction of interviews/focus groups);
  • Working experiencein the Balkans is an asset for the team leader;
  • Knowledge of the local and national agricultural market; Excellent understanding of results-focused evaluations;Excellent communication skills in English, Albanian and Serbian language (for the local consultant).

Offer Submission

Please submit your application in line with the ToR by 20 March 2023 through the link below. Please find the ToRs for further information on the consultancy and application procedure here:

For further inquiries, applicants may contact [email protected] and [email protected] with [email protected] in CC.