
Notification for update/revision of RFO 19/2023 for Procurement of Agricultural Manure Spreading Equipment

  • star Publikuar: 18-10-2023
  • star Skadon: 31-10-2023

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Kategoritë Ftesa për Tender
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Prishtinë
Shikime 2334

The “Integrated Water Resources Management in Kosovo” Program (hereinafter the Program or IWRM-K) kindly invites you to submit your Offer in EUR (VAT excluded) for RFO 19/2023 for Procurement of Agricultural Manure Spreading Equipment.

Notification for update/revision of RFO 19/2023 for Procurement of Agricultural Manure Spreading Equipment

In reference to RFO-19-2023, which was initially launched on 12 October 2023, the IWRM-K program notifies all interested parties of the following modifications:

  1. Technical specifications for Lot 1: The technical specifications for Lot 1 have been updated to include the following sentence: “Trailer for spreading organic manure”.
  2. Deadline Extension: The submission deadline for offers has been extended to 31 October 2023.
  3. Description Alignment: The specifications outlined in Annex 4, have been aligned with those in annex 1.

Skat Consulting Kosovo, IWRM-K Program

RFO 19/2023 for Procurement of Agricultural Manure Spreading Equipment (LOTs 1-3)

136 Pashko Vasa street

Floor I. No.5, Pejton (residential entry), Pristina, Kosovo

Alternatively, the Offers can be submitted electronically to the following dedicated email:

[email protected]

Please use the following e-mail subject: RFO 19/2023 for Procurement of Agricultural Ma-nure Spreading Equipment (LOTs 1-3)

The Technical Offer MUST be submitted in one PDF document.

The Financial Offer MUST be submitted in one PDF file as well. The Offer shall be DIGI-TALLY signed or signed and scanned in *.pdf format. The same submission time as for hard copy offers applies.

Max. size of uploaded files (per document) must not exceed 20 MB

The updated/revised RFO can be downloaded HERE