
TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE CONSULTANCY - Enhancing engagement and employability of disadvantaged youth through Internship and On-job-training

  • star Publikuar: 07-03-2023
  • star Skadon: 20-03-2023

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Enhancing engagement and employability of disadvantaged youth through Internship and On-job-training

in the frame of the project:

Kosovo Youth Participation - KYP

CARE, Office in Kosovo, within its project “Kosovo Youth Participation - KYP”, financed by the European Union- Advancing the role of civil society for social justice, participation and human rights (EuropeAid/171380/DD/ACT/XK 11/2020-IPA 2019, Contract no. 2021/430-824):

is looking to contract external consultant(s) - expert(s) or a consultancy company (in further text: Consultant) to facilitate the activity internship/on-the-job-training for students in local companies, as one of the Active Labour Market Measure (ALMM) that contributes to enhancement of the employability.

This activity will be undertaken within the Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) scheme of the KYP project. It should include over 50 youngsters from rural areas and small towns in the eight target project municipalities: Deçan/Dečani, Fushë Kosova/Kosovo Polje, Junik/Junik, Gjakova/Đakovica, Peja/Peć, Rahovec/Orahovac, Obiliq/Obilić, and Suharekë/Suva Reka.

About CARE International work in the Balkans

CARE’s work in the Balkans started in 1993, when it provided humanitarian support to people affected by war. In the late 90-ties, CARE shifted its focus in the region from humanitarian post-war assistance and rehabilitation to socio-economic development, engaging in interventions directed at conflict prevention and peace-building, sustainable livelihoods, gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence.

CARE International in the Balkans places the quality of its program at the centre of its mission and has developed a regional strategy that encompasses two main program directions: Gender Equality and Social and Economic Inclusion. CARE’s Gender Equality Program aims to empower women vulnerable to violence, discrimination and poverty, to reach better life opportunities and social justice and to work on prevention of peer violence and building of tolerance among young men in the Western Balkans. The goal of the Social and Economic Inclusion Program is to strengthen capacity and create opportunities for the marginalized, socially excluded and poor to integrate into society and access rights. CARE’s engagement and contribution lies in strengthening sustainability of key regional, national and/ or local civil society organizations and networks promoting equality and diversity, in the context of social inclusion and non-violence.

Project information

CARE Deutschland e.V. Office in Kosovo is implementing the project Kosovo Youth Participation -KYP funded by the European Union (EU). The action that is implemented by CARE in partnership with SHL - Kosova (SHL-K), seeks to contribute to the active inclusion of civil society in Kosovo in promoting democratic values, inclusive governance and achievement of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The specific objective of the project is to foster democratic participation, civic engagement and social inclusion of different groups of marginalised youth, mainly from rural areas and small towns of Kosovo.

The following results/outputs are expected to be achieved by the project:

1) Increase the participation of disadvantaged youth in decision making, in local communities and on the central level, through: capacity building/awareness raising on human rights and activism; mentoring of youth groups for inclusion in local and national decision-making processes; local youth actions to improve the position of disadvantaged youth.

2) Enhance the engagement and employability of disadvantaged youth, in particular young women, through skills development and involvement in volunteering initiatives. The activities will include information campaigns, trainings for employment skills development (raising of employability of youth through trainings, internship and supported youth entrepreneurial activities), support to volunteering among the disadvantaged youth from rural areas and smaller towns.

3) Foster Democratic dialogue across Kosovo youth, fostered through raised awareness on and promotion of gender equality, solidarity, inter-cultural relations and counter stereotypes and dis-information, by: awareness raising and facilitation of debates; peer exchange; involvement in ongoing youth-led discussions in Kosovo.

Purpose and objectives of the consultancy

The main task of this consultancy/service is to facilitate the process of selection and enrolment of 50 candidates/students age 18 - 24 from eight target municipalities, in internship/ on-the-job training in locally operating companies.

The Consultant will undertake the identification of companies for internship, match the profiles of the candidates selected jointly with CARE and facilitate the Internship/On-job-training program for suitable candidates from the target municipalities.

Activity setup

As the main project implementer, CARE is in charge of administering the internship program and the partner organisation SHL-Kosova will support its realisation, through regular monitoring and documentation of the results of this activity. CARE will be in charge of announcing the call for internship candidates and informing the youth in the project target areas about this project opportunity.

Internship for around 50 finished students will be organised in cooperation with local companies and regulated according to the domestic law, and based on the MoU signed between CARE and Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo (EARK). The interns will be placed in local companies for the duration of 3 months (full time) - 6 months (part time). The project will provide them with monthly reimbursement.

The Internship/On-job-training will be organized/conducted in eight target municipalities; Deçan/Dečani, Fushë Kosova/Kosovo Polje, Junik/Junik, Gjakova/Đakovica, Peja/Peć, Rahovec/Orahovac, Obiliq/Obilić, and Suharekë/Suva Reka. The consultancy services should be implemented in two phases:

  1. Matching the profile of the candidates with the local companies.
  2. Monitoring and administering documentation for the individual internship programs of the candidates over the entire period of realisation (up to 6 months).

Throughout the consultancy, activation and participation of women will be strongly encouraged and promoted.

Detailed Scope of work

The following consultancy tasks are expected:

  • Design a detailed plan for the consultancy, in communication and agreement with CARE.
  • Design the documents (applications, internship log-book, timesheets, data base, supporting documents etc.) for the implementation of the internship program, in communication with the CARE Project Manager. Provide references/source for all materials used during the implementation of the task.
  • Inform locally operating companies from the mentioned target regions about the KYP internship opportunity and identify companies interested in accepting interns.
  • Conduct counselling for profile matching (candidates – internship posts) for the internship process.
  • Participate in the process of selection of beneficiaries.
  • Mentoring of the selected candidates for the interns to register at the Employment Offices, if they are not already enlisted.
  • Facilitate the process of placement of the interns in the local companies.
  • Compile and systemise the mandatory monthly documentation (internship log books signed by the employer, timesheets, updated database etc.) from the candidates and employers, regarding the internship program. Regularly exchange information with both mentioned parties and monthly reporting to the KYP PM. The monthly consultancy report (1-2 pages) will be determined by CARE, in consultation with the Consultant.
  • Prepare the Final Consultancy Service Report in English, 5 pages max plus Annexes. The consultancy/service recommendations will represent one of the mandatory Annexes to the Consultancy Report.
  • Hand-over to CARE entire original quantitative and qualitative data documentation generated for the purposes of the consultancy, upon the acceptance of the final outputs of the consultancy by CARE’s Project Manager.

CARE’s obligations

  • Agree on the detailed consultancy plan with the Consultant at the beginning of the process.
  • Provide to the Consultant the project documentation relevant for the consultancy/service – Application forms received from the candidates, linkages with the Employment Offices in the target municipalities based on the MoU with EARK, and other necessary documents for the realisation of the task.
  • Announce the call for applications for the internship program and undertake information sharing among youth from the target areas.
  • Undertake the process of selection of the candidates for the internship program, in communication with the Consultant.
  • Sign tri-party contracts with the candidates included in the internship program and employers/companies, regulating mutual relations.
  • Coordinate with the Consultant throughout the implementation of the internship program, agree on the materials to be used and on the activity monitoring.
  • Undertake the monthly payments of the interns, as stipulated by the three-party agreement.

Timeframe and step by step implementation plan

The training assignment is expected to be undertaken after signing the Service Contract with CARE. It is expected that the consultancy will be undertaken within the total of 35 days, over the period 3 April – 10 October 2023.

28 March 2023Initial meeting - agreement on the consultancy plan, schedule, developed documents/forms for the task.
April- September 2023Enrolling the candidates in Internship/On-Job-training
10 October 2023Submission of the Consultancy Report with all accompanying documentation, as mentioned.
No.StepsDetailsResponsible (involved)Necessary Documents
1Identifying suitable candidates for Internship/OJT according to the applications received (50 candidates)

Contact all 50 selected candidates, inform them about the Internship/OJT.

In case the number of selected candidates does not reach 50 upon the CARE’s call, the consulting company will reach the potential candidates directly and/or through local EOs within the target municipalities/regions.

Consultant & CARE /

CARE shares the applications received from the Open Call and organizes the selection process.

2Consultant holds meetings with the selected candidates

Consultant individually assesses the candidates’ qualifications /profession.

The Consultant facilitates candidate’s communication with EO, in case they are not yet registered in EO database.


Registration Form at the EO (data base)

Qualification Assessment Form

3Consultant matches candidates’ profiles with the opportunities in local companiesConsultant identifies a local companies to match with the profile/CV of the candidate. The list of local companies can be taken from the EO/ based on the MoU with the EARK.Consultant
4Internship PlanConsultant drafts the internship plan in close cooperation with the candidate and the local company.

Consultant (candidates, Companies)

Internship Plan
5Tripartite AgreementSigning of the tripartite agreement (Candidate / Local Company / CARE) with the internship plan as an annex of the agreement.

CARE/Consultant (candidates, Companies)

Tripartite Agreement

6Implementation of Internship/OJT

The Internship/OJT is implemented within six months. Continuation of engagement in the local company after the completed internship will represent a point plus.

The candidate/local company submit the internship log book and attendance list (signed by the company) to CARE and the Consultant.


Local companies


Attendance List / Time Sheet

Internship Log Book


The Consultant will undertake at least three monitoring and counseling visits to each candidate within their internship program.

The attendance list / time sheet/internship log book is also checked in these visits.

Consultant (Candidates and local companies)

Monitoring visits form.

Info is also summarized in the KYP internship program database

8Letter of referenceLocal Companies / issue a letter of reference to candidates who finished the internship/OJT.Local Companies (CARE can share a template)

Template of Letter of reference

Management and organization

The Consultant(s) will report to the Project Manager of the Kosovo Youth Participation Project.

Required qualifications:

  • Graduated Master degree in Economy and / or a similar field;
  • At least three-years working experience in the field of counselling and/or implementing project in the area of economic integration;
  • Excellent knowledge of the business landscape in Kosovo. Developed contacts with companies operating in the target project regions.
  • Excellent knowledge about the needs of youth, especially in rural areas of Kosovo.
  • Excellent knowledge of the existing government labour measures and needs of the local companies.
  • Excellent monitoring techniques, incorporating participatory approach.
  • Continuous engagement in the field.
  • Excellent command over Albanian, Serbian and English languages, oral and written. High-level interpersonal and communication skills adjusted to youth needs.

Consultancy bid

The consultancy bid should be submitted in English via e-mail and should contain the financial offer, general information about the bidder and reference portfolio. The deadline for sending applications-bids is: 20.03.2023.

Criteria for the Selection of Best Offer

The consultancy contract will be awarded based on the assessment of both technical and financial elements of the bid and on the quality of the relevant Consultant(s)’, portfolio.

The consultancy proposal should consist of the following:

  1. Bidder's CV/portfolio, with references relevant for the required activity.
  2. Methodology and draft work plan for the consultancy, general presentation of the services to be offered for this task.
  3. Financial offer in EUR, with a breakdown of costs and statement of confirming the required availability within the consultancy period. The offered price/bid should include all costs of the consultancy, including taxes and related costs of the bidder (travel, etc.).

Interested consultancy companies/expert(s) are invited to submit their expression of interest, including remuneration/financial offer VAT free with the subject: “CONSULTANCY IN THE FRAME OF THE PROJECT KOSOVO YOUTH PARTICIPATION – KYP”, by 20.03.2023, to the following e-mail: [email protected]

For any further information in regards to the guidelines and technical proposal, please contact the KYP Project Manager through: [email protected], cc the email [email protected] no later than 16.03.2023.


The views expressed in the document can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union Office in Kosovo.