Assignment reference: Conduct external final evaluation of project “Empowerment and Employment of Youth, Women and Other Vulnerable Groups in the Five Municipalities of Kosovo”, financed by the European Union
Contract REF: 41/SiV/2022
Project references: The project “Empowerment and Employment of Youth, Women and Other Vulnerable Groups in the Five Municipalities of Kosovo”, financed by the European Union and implemented by the Syri i Vizionit in partnership with the Balkan Forum and Municipality of Istog: project, 2020/419-484, Activity BL 5.4
Publication date: 28.06.2022
Deadline for applications: 12.07.2022
Call for offers: Final Project Evaluation
Syri i Vizionit is seeking a consultant/s or company to perform a final evaluation of project “Empowerment and Employment of Youth, Women and Other Vulnerable Groups in the Five Municipalities of Kosovo”. The overall objective of the evaluation is to assess and present results and to get a more fine-grained and independent understanding of the effectiveness of each element of the Action
This call is in frame of the project “Empowerment and Employment of Youth, Women and Other Vulnerable Groups in the Five Municipalities of Kosovo” funded by European Union and implemented by the Syri i Vizionit (SiV) in partnership with The Balkan Forum and the Municipality of Istog.
Interested candidates shall follow on the instruction of tenderers provided and accordingly apply before the deadline on 12 July 2022 at 16:00 through e-mail address: [email protected] with the subject: Public Call - Company/Consultant(s) to conduct external final evaluation. Or also by mail to the address of the NGO: “Syri i Vizionit”, Rr. Isa Demaj, no. 14, 30,000 Pejë, Kosovë.
Click link for details of the assignment: https://syriivizionit.org/?page=1,85,847