Compliant to Article 16, paragraph 1, sub-paragraph 1.4 of Law No. 05/L-057 on the Establishment of the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund, amended, and supplemented with the Law no.08/L-138, as well as Article 9, paragraph 3 of the Charter of the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund (KCGF), announces this:
Independent member of the Board of Directors of the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund
Position Description
The independent member shall serve on the Board of Directors of KCGF for a four (4) year term to oversee the development of KCGF by adopting sound governance policies in order to achieve the legal and institutional objectives of KCGF.
Qualification and Professional Suitability
To be elected an Independent Member of the Board of Directors of KCGF, the candidate must have:
- university qualification in the field of economics, finance, law or another relevant field;
- at least five (5) years of work experience in the banking and/or financial services sector, including the field of accounting/auditing;
- meet all the standards of being "fit and proper" for the position, as defined by Law No. 05/L-057 for the Establishment of the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund (https://gzk.rks-gov.net/ActDetail.aspx?ActID=11339) and Law no. 04/L-093 for Banks, Micro-Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Institutions (http://gzk.rks-gov.net/ActDetail.aspx?ActID=2816 );
- knowledge of the legal and regulatory framework, as well as the challenges of the banking and financial sector, acquired through work experience;
- good communication skills in speaking and writing in Albanian or Serbian and English;
- ability to work in a team-oriented and participatory working environment.
Exclusion Criteria
A candidate cannot be elected as an independent member of the Board of Directors of KCGF, if:
- is an elected official, a political appointee or a person who has held an elected or leadership position in any political party at any time during the preceding twelve (12) months;
- is an executive manager, member, or chair of the Board of any financial institution licensed by the CBK at any time during the preceding twelve (12) months;
- is exercising the function of a civil servant;
- has been dismissed from their position in a bank by CBK;
- has been convicted by a court of a criminal offense for which the person is or could have been sentenced to imprisonment of one (1) year or more, where the option of a fine did not exist;
- has been a debtor in a bankruptcy or insolvency procedure within the last ten (10) years;
- has been dismissed or suspended by the competent authority from practicing the profession due to personal misconduct;
- was a director or senior manager of a bank, whose license was revoked, or whose insolvency or other forced (non-voluntary) liquidation was initiated during the mandate of that director or senior manager; or
- has any conflict of interest that by its nature would cause this person to be unable to routinely, faithfully, independently, and objectively fulfill his duties as a member of the Board of Directors of KCGF.
All members of the Board of Directors, with the exception of the Managing Director of KCGF, receive reasonable compensation for participating in Board meetings and Board's committee meetings. The amount of compensation is regulated by the Charter and Internal Policies of the KCGF.
General information for candidates regarding application procedures
Interested candidates should submit:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) that includes the referential names and contact information of three persons who may be contacted by the recruiting panel;
- Letter of Motivation;
- A signed declaration under oath, in which the interested candidate declares that all the information provided in the CV and Motivation Letter is true and correct and is aware of any material falsification, whether intentional or by negligence, or material change from the information provided in the aforementioned statement, will result in immediate disqualification from further consideration.
Review of applications and notification of candidates
The process of recruiting potential candidates for the announced position of "Independent Member of the Board of Directors of KCGF" will be developed and managed by KCGF donors in accordance with the legal authorizations defined by Law No. 05/L-057 on the Establishment of the KCGF. The management and administrative staff of KCGF provide the necessary secretarial support.
All candidates who apply for this position will be notified of the outcome after the end of the review of applications by the donors of the KCGF.
After reviewing applications, the donors reserve the right not to call any, to call one or more potential candidates to an oral interview. Donors also reserve the right to discontinue the recruitment process in the absence of suitable potential candidates.
After the completion of the recruitment process, the successful candidate will undergo a verification process to assess whether he meets the criteria of "fit and proper", as defined by Law no. 04/L-093 for Banks, Micro-Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Institutions.
Deadline for application:
Applications must be submitted only in electronic form to this email address: [email protected] no later than 01/06/2023.