
Procurement Specialist

  • star Publikuar: 07-12-2022
  • star Skadon: 23-12-2022

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Kategoritë Institucione Publike
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Prishtinë
Shikime 6367



CITY – Kosovo

NAME OF PROJECT-Competitiveness and Export Readiness Project

Credit No. 6035XK

Project ID No.152881

Position: Procurement Specialist

Date: 07.12.2022


The Government of Kosovo has received a financing from the World Bank to implement the Competitiveness and Export Readiness Project. The project will be approximately US 15.3 million equivalent and its Project Development Objective (PDO) to support product certification for export markets, strengthen the capacity of export-oriented firms and reduce the cost of business inspections. The Project has two Components: 1. Enhancing business environment and export readiness; 2. Project Implementation and coordination support.

The Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade (MIET) will be responsible for the implementation of the Project. A Project Implementation Unit (PIU) will be established at MIET the PIU will provide support to the line ministries in the effective and timely implementation of the project. The PIU will be responsible for supporting the ministry in all procurement, financial management, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting on the use of Project funds activities.


The key objective of this assignment is to assist the Project and the MIET responsible for respective project activities in observing procurement procedures applicable to the Competitiveness and Export Readiness operation and to strengthen procurement capacity of institutions involved in the Project implementation.

The Procurement Specialist (PS) will assist the Project Implementation Unit Coordinator to manage the flow of procurement activities scheduled for Competitiveness and Export Readiness Project. The PO will ensure that procurement transactions are reported to the Technical Service Unit (TSU) and that they are implemented following applicable edition of the World Bank Guidelines Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Selection and Employment of consultants by World Bank Borrowers. He/she will as necessary work closely with the Component Advisors to help them understand the details of the procurement aspects of the project implementation.


Duties and Responsibilities: Principal functions of the Procurement Specialist will include the following:

  • In cooperation with the MIET establish and maintain an information database on procurement services, technology services, suppliers of equipment, consultants, etc.;
  • Conduct training for grant recipients on procurement in accordance with the POM provisions and schedules specified in the annual program and Agreed Procurement Plan (between MIET and the Bank) and ensure consistency with the POM provisions;
  • Carry out procurement as per the agreed procurement plan and in accordance with the Bank’s consultants and procurement guidelines;
  • Maintain reporting procurement system in accordance with the POM provisions;
  • Set up a monitoring system within the entity for overseeing project procurement actions and coordinating necessary approvals or correcting shortcomings in procedures or conclusions.
  • Assist MTI with updating the Procurement handbook for the grants and as needed the procurement Section of the Procurement Manual.
  • Assist the PIU on procurement of goods, works and services conducted in accordance with the provisions of the World Bank Guidelines and Project Operations Manual;
  • Preparing draft biding documents (BDs) for goods/works contracts, as well as Request for Proposals (RFPs) for consulting services assignments; assist the evaluation committee and PIU on preparation of bid evaluation reports for goods, works and consulting services contracts, as well as assist on preparation of contracts for Consultants Goods, works and Consulting Services;
  • Assist the PIU Coordinator on monitoring of Contracts implementation;
  • Updating regularly and maintaining detailed annual Procurement Plan for the Project;
  • Conduct procurement activities in STEP system of the Bank.

In general, the specific tasks to be undertaken by the Procurement Specialist should cover the complete procurement cycle applicable to the procurement methods specified in the agreed procurement plan.

This will include but not be limited to practical assistance in:

  • preparation and publication of procurement notices as applicable under various procurement methods;
  • participation together with the MIET technical group in preparation of technical specifications and TOR documents with specific emphasis on ensuring they are comprehensive, generic and minimizing risks of misinterpretation at the evaluation stage;
  • preparation of bidding documents (BDs), request for proposals (RFPs) and other documents based on sample forms in the Bank’s website and/or as provided in the POM;
  • when necessary, development of lists of suppliers and contractors for shopping and short lists for consulting packages taking into account suppliers, contractors, consultants’ experience and qualifications;
  • assist the PIU and evaluation committee in carrying out of the bidding during the selection process, including pre-bid or pre-proposal meetings, clarifications, bid opening and all required stages.
  • administrative and procedural support in technical and commercial evaluation of bids and the preparation of Bid Evaluation Reports in accordance with the procedures described in the bidding documents (BDs) and request for proposals (RFPs) in line with the procurement and consultant’s guidelines and/or the POM provisions;
  • administrative and procedural support to the evaluation committee in evaluation of technical and financial proposals of consultants and preparation of technical and final evaluation reports in compliance with the POM provisions;
  • preparation of contracts in full conformity with the BDs and RFPs provisions and requirements, and/or in line with POM forms;
  • contract negotiations and signing;
  • Assist the PIU Coordinator on general contract administration and monitoring;
  • Assist the PIU Coordinator on verification of payment documents under contracts for the supply of goods, works and services; and
  • Assist the PIU Coordinator on contract closure procedures and final reporting;


The Procurement Specialist will report to and work under the direction of the Competitiveness and Export Readiness Project Implementation Unit Coordinator and s/he will deliver: b) monthly updated Procurement Status Report and c) final annual report. S/he will also coordinate activities with the Financial Officer of the Competitiveness and Export Readiness Project PIU. S/he will support the Financial Officer in updating the: a) quarterly Project Disbursement Report and b) Project Disbursement Plan in coordination with the Project Implementation Unit Coordinator.


The work of the consultant will take place tentatively January 2023. The consultant will work on a full-time bases. The contract will be nine months with probation period of three (3) month.

The consultant will communicate on a regular basis with the Project Coordinator and MIET Procurement Division. The Client will provide office space and equipment required to perform tasks assigned.


  • University/higher education in economics, law or engineering, or similar;
  • At least eight (8) years of general work experience;
  • At least four (4) years’ work experience in Procurement;
  • Desirable experience in the World Bank procurement or other donor’s financed projects;
  • Extensive knowledge of national Public Procurement Law;
  • Practical experience with grant management (procurement aspects) is a plus;
  • Computer literate. Good knowledge of MS Office applications. Other software is an advantage;
  • Be fluent in Albanian and English (is a must). Knowledge of Serbian languages is an advantage;
  • Excellent communication and team working skills.

Consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 revised July 2014, according to selection based on Selection of Individual Consultants (IC) method.

Expression of interest can be delivered in a written form or by e-mail, to the address below by; December 23, 2022.

Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade

Contact person: Bexhet Asllanaj

Address "Arbënor e Astrit Dehari, nr.21

10000 Prishtinë/ Republic of Kosovo

Email: [email protected]