ToR for Project Manager | Transitional Justice specialist
About KRCT
The Kosovo Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (KRCT) is a non-governmental organization established in 1999 that provides interdisciplinary services in support of civilian war victims, in particular survivors of sexual violence during the war in Kosovo. These provisions of services include medical and psychological therapy for survivors and their family members, awareness on their legal rights, legal advice, economic empowerment programs, and activities aiming towards institutional recognition of their rights.
Further, KRCT is involved with identifying, assessing, treating, referring and monitoring of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) survivors among repatriated and persons of concern to UNHCR (returnees, refugees, internally displaced persons and persons at risk of statelessness). Thus, KRCT continues to pursue its mission by helping survivors obtain justice; advocating with government, parliament and international organizations on the need to respect the prohibition of torture and working in partnership with like-mined organizations around the world to eradicate torture.
In addition, within its mandate to promote and advance respect for human rights for persons deprived of their liberty, KRCT undertakes regular monitoring visits in places of detention, such: prisons, detention centers, police custodial cells, mental health institutions and also promotes the practices and legislative standards for the protection and enhancing the respect for the rights of persons deprived of their liberty.
The KRCT sees its role in the society as a service provider, litigator and human rights watchdog. Of particular importance the constant and strong advocacy effort that KRCT has made with government institutions in addressing the needs of survivors of sexual violence during the war in Kosovo, as well as persons deprived of their liberties.
About the role
KRCT through the support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is implementing the project "Amplifying Voices of Women affected by war related SGBV in the Western Balkan.” Through this project, KRCT is aiming to create a culture of recognition and reconciliation in the Western Balkans for women survivors of war related SGBV to live in dignity and free from violence. A key goal is to reflect the topic of war related SGBV in political debates and curricula; improve laws and procedures for compensation mechanisms; improve court procedures; and to recognize likeminded feminist women's organisations as experts in political national and regional reconciliation processes. This project is implemented in partnership with medica mondiale (Germany), medica Zenica, Vive Žene (Bosnia and Herzegovina), medica Gjakova, (Kosovo), Youth Initiative for Human Rights and Women in Black (Serbia).
This project contributes to KRCT’s transitional justice (TJ) ambitions. As such, the project manager will be a thematic expert leading on KRCT’s TJ work. A member of the Advocacy and Human Rights pillar of KRCT, she/he makes sure that KRCT’s work promotes the rights of wartime sexual violence survivors, as well as their inclusion in relevant TJ mechanisms. She/he advocates for survivors’ access to justice mechanisms and to reparations. She/he advocates for the further development and/or establishment of national TJ mechanisms that would be based on the Dealing with the Past (DwP) principles supported by KRCT. As such she/he engages with competent institutions to ensure that such processes are centred on the needs and voices of victims, regardless of their ethnic background.
Tasks of the Project Manager
The aim of the engagement of Project Manager is to (a) coordinate and implement all activities relating to the Project implementation, under the guidance and supervision of the Head of Rehabilitation; and (b) coordinate the advancement and dissemination of KRCT’s knowledge and Transitional justice processes.
Key roles and responsibilities in relation to Project management and KRCT’s strategic goals
- Create a detailed project plan that outlines the scope, budget, schedule, and resources required for successful project completion;
- Fulfilling day-to-day routines for project implementation and tracks progress against projected activities;
- Effective communication with stakeholders, including scheduling meetings, distributing meeting agendas and minutes, and following up on action items;
- Identification of potential risks and issues that could impact the project and helps to develop strategies to mitigate those risks;
- Ensures that project deliverables meet the quality standards and expectations of all stakeholders;
- Manages change requests effectively to ensure that they are properly evaluated, documented, and implemented;
- Making sure that processes and procedures are in compliance with the overall organization’s guidelines;
- Interpreting the strategy of top-level management and translating it into everyday policies and activities;
- Reporting issues and performance up the chain to top-level management;
- Preparation of KRCT inputs for local and international reports;
- Conducting research for the purposes of KRCT;
- Preparation of policy papers, and other publications on behalf of KRCT;
- Maps KRCT’s existing knowledge base (knowledge products, publications, protocols, etc.)
- In line with KRCT’s strategic goals and in concert with Senior Management Team (SMT) identifies priorities in terms of research;
- Contributes to fundraising (under guidance of SMT)
- Represents KRCT in relevant TJ consultative mechanisms and provides inputs in relevant Transitional Justice (TJ) consultative mechanisms;
- Develops programme and project ideas that allow KRCT to meet its strategic ambitions regarding TJ;
- Builds relevant local and regional TJ partnerships and engages in knowledge-sharing and joint advocacy with civil society organisations in other countries in the Western Balkans;
- Conducts targeted TJ research and community outreach; forges strong relationships with survivors across Kosovo;
- May represent KRCT in relevant local/regional for a/initiatives which seek to extend international human rights and/or humanitarian law protections against the use of sexual violence in conflict.
Reporting and outputs
The Project Manager will deliver:
- Weekly report, outlining the past week's activities and the future week's work plans, identifying any outstanding issues.
- Monthly report on the performed activities with detailed time sheet for worked hours.
- Mission reports after executed field missions.
- Reports on accomplishment of the project and strategic objectives;
- Technical reports on the performed activities.
Qualifications and skills
- Undergraduate degree in human rights, transitional justice, law, political science, social sciences or related field.
- Demonstrated experience and proven track record in project management.
- Excellent understanding of KRCT’s target group and proven thematic knowledge about wartime sexual violence and relevant portions of international human rights /humanitarian law.
- Proven relevant work experience in the field of transitional justice.
- Prior TJ advocacy experience and track record of acting in line with DwP principles and towards relevant institutions.
- Excellent understanding of Kosovo’s political environment, of the regional political context, and of existing national DwP processes.
- Demonstrated expertise regarding Kosovo’s TJ challenges and priorities and sound knowledge about regional (Western Balkans) TJ processes.
- Impeccable integrity and political independence and demonstrated alignment with KRCT’s values.
- Excellent analytical and writing skills.
- Composure and ability to work under pressure.
- Fluency in Albanian and English.
- Fluency in Serbian and/or established contacts in minority communities is highly desirable.
- Master’s degree in human rights, transitional justice, law, political science or related field.
Application process
Applications have to be submitted via e-mail to: [email protected] no later than 04th of August 2023, indicating in subject line: Application for Project Manage / Transitional Justice specialist.
Application needs to include:
• CV;
• Cover letter, indicating relevant skills for this assignment, including recent experience;
• Two references/previous employers/supervisors who are able to comment on your ability to deliver on the assignment as described with ToRs.
Note: Incomplete proposals shall not be considered for further process. Proposals received after the exact time specified for receipts of offer shall be considered late and shall not be evaluated.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.