
Health Support Programme - Project KSV/017

  • star Publikuar: 02-11-2023
  • star Skadon: 13-11-2023

Ky konkurs ka skaduar

Kompani LuxDev
Kategoritë Të tjera
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Prizren
Shikime 3213


TITLE: Additional Medical Equipment for Interventional Cardiology at GH Prizren (Goods)

in the framework of Project KSV/017 receiving financial support from the governments
of the Republic of Kosovo and of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

This notice of invitation is launched by and according to the procedures of the Luxembourg Agency for Development Cooperation (Lux-Development), on behalf of Project KSV/017 receiving financial support from the governments of the Republic of Kosovo and of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

  1. Identification and financing of the Project/Programme
  2. Title: Project KSV/017: Health Support Programme in Kosovo – Phase II
  3. Source of financing: The Government of the Republic of Kosovo and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, as set out in the Project’s Bilateral Agreement and Kosovo’s Law No. 05/L-059, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo No. 36 / 21 December 2015.
  4. Status of financing: Approved
  5. Identification of the Contract
  6. Type of Contract: Goods
  7. Object: Additional Medical Equipment for Interventional Cardiology at GH Prizren
  8. Reference number: KSV/017•23 6321
  9. Number of lots: 1
  10. Grouping of lots: N/A
  11. Eligibility and evaluation criteria
  12. Origin: no restriction
  13. Eligibility: companies satisfying the criteria included in the Statement of Good Standing and in the Ethics Clauses of the General Regulations (please be aware that companies which are not registered in Kosovo may need a local grouping member in order to execute the import or have to register in Kosovo. Project KSV/017 will not be able to support the registration in Kosovo and can in no way be held accountable for delays in the registration process)
  14. Evaluation: the lowest administratively compliant and substantially technically compliant tender will be granted the contract
  15. Variants: no variants will be considered
  16. Location and timeframe
  17. Location of the Project: Prishtina, Kosovo
  18. Terms and place of delivery: DDP delivered and installed in Prizren (Kosovo) at the General Hospital of Prizren
  19. Performance period of the Contract: 3 months
  20. Validity period of tenders: 90 days from the tender submission deadline
  21. Definitions
  22. Awarding authority: Lux-Development
  23. Contracting Authority: Lux-Development
  24. Beneficiary: General Hospital of Prizren
  25. Supervisor: to be appointed at a later stage
  26. Donor: The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
  27. Donor’s Representative: Lux-Development
  28. Tender Dossier (TD)
  29. How to obtain the TD: the TD may be obtained free of charge at:

Project KSV/017

Ministry of Health Office 227

Rruga e Zagrebit 60

10 000 Pristina

[email protected]

  1. Consultation of the dossier: the TD may be consulted at the address mentioned above.
  2. Written notifications and communications must be sent to the following address:

Project KSV/017

Ministry of Health Office 227

Rruga e Zagrebit 60

10 000 Pristina

[email protected]

  1. Deadline for requests for additional information:

14 days before the deadline for submission of tenders – 30.10.2023

  1. Deadline for providing explanations to tenderers:

8 days before the deadline for submission of tenders – 06.11.2023

  1. Language, currency, receipt and opening of tenders.
  2. Language: English
  3. Currency: EUR
  4. Address for receipt and opening: 1 original and 3 copies to:

Project KSV/017

Ministry of Health Office 227

Rruga e Zagrebit 60

10000 Pristina, Kosovo

  1. Deadline for receipt of tenders:13.11.2023 at 14:00 (local time)
  2. Date and time of the public opening session: immediately after the deadline for submission, in room 128 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kosovo.
  3. Guarantees
  4. Tender Guarantee: 1 400 EUR
  5. Performance Guarantee: 10% of the value of the Contract
  6. Other Guarantees: see TD.
  7. Payments

All eligible payments which are part of this Contract will be processed by Lux-Development on behalf of Project KSV/017.

  1. Information meeting and/or site visit

At the General Hospital of Prizren: N/A

  1. Complementary or additional services

This Contract does not include any complementary or additional acquisition of goods. In the event where complementary or additional acquisition of goods would be required (initially not included), its value will be limited to a maximum of 50% of the initial value of the Contract.

  1. Additional information: see TD.