Call for Expression of Interest
Preparing and designing a professional Systemic family therapy manual/ handbook
Terms of Reference for expert
Deadline for applications is October 10, 2022
- Background for task
The Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (KRCT) is developing and implementing a programme of ‘family therapy and systemic practice’ for a group of traumatized mothers and their children.
Family therapy is a type of treatment designed to help with issues that specifically affect families' mental health and functioning. It employs a wide range of techniques and exercises from counselling, mediation, cognitive therapy, behaviour therapy, or other types of individual training such as parenting skills development. Family therapy has been vaguely used in Kosovo due to the lack of trained professional resources in this field but also cultural aspects.
Furthermore, a manual on family therapy and systemic practice to be used by mental health providers and psychotherapists is not available in Kosovo.
Therefore, KRCT is looking for an international expert who will lead and facilitate the process of preparing the manual on family therapy.
The manual aims to offer a framework and guidelines for the implementation of systemic family therapy, so that therapists can offer a unified version of therapy, with some flexibility to express their own creativity.
For research purposes the manual is designed for use by trained family therapists or other trained therapists with experience in family therapy. The manual’s function is to guide therapeutic work with families in a clinic setting. Therapists using the manual will be expected to be working as part of a systemic family therapy team.
The manual can also be used less formally as a framework for training and supervision, in developing skills for trainee family therapists.
Objectives of Assignment
The objective of the task is to prepare and facilitate the process of drafting the manual/handbook for the systemic family therapy.
Tasks and Responsibilities
The expert will work in close cooperation with professional staff in KRCT (members of the working group) and will be expected to undertake the following tasks:
- Complete the desk review of appropriate literature
- Organize and facilitate meetings / workshops with the working group for drafting the manual/handbook
- Incorporate and finalize inputs and suggestions from members of the working group and other actors involved in the drafting of the manual
- Finalize a manual to be used as a guide of therapeutic work with families in a clinic setting
- The manual will be prepared in accordance with ToR / Contract
- The manual has to be prepared in English language
Delivery and timing
Deliverables | Timeframe |
Desk review | 24-31 October 2022 |
Framework of the manual delivered | 1-15 November 2022 |
Meetings / workshops / focus groups | 15 - 30 November |
Incorporate inputs | 1-15 December 2022 |
Finalize manual | 15 December 2022 -15 January 2023 |
Submit and present the manual | January 16, 2023 |
Required Skills and Experience:
- MA Degree in Psychology or equivalent
- Certified family therapist-practitioner
- Experience in drafting manuals in the psychosocial field
- Experience in facilitating the drafting processes of manuals and working with teams
- Experience in working with NGOs in psychosocial services sector
- Experience in the field of war related traumatized families, is an advantage
- Proficiency in written English
Required Presentation of Offer:
- Personal CV, indicating all experience from similar assignments
- Brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment.
- Technical proposal, a max. 2-page document briefly outlining the methodology envisaged for the assignment for delivering the expected results within the indicated timeframe.
- Financial Proposal that indicates lump sum payment based on completion of deliverables.
- Copy of Diplomas and copy of Passport.
6. Application procedure
Interested experts/ applicants are advised to submit application for the assignment no later than: 10 October 2022 to [email protected] (cc. [email protected] )