
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Removal of four (4) illegal landfills on the territory of the municipality of Graçanicë/Gracanica

  • star Publikuar: 02-03-2023
  • star Skadon: 17-03-2023

Ky konkurs ka skaduar

Kategoritë Ftesa për Tender
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Graçanicë
Shikime 32325

DATE: [02/03/2023]


Removal of four (4) illegal landfills on the territory of the municipality of Graçanicë/Gracanica

CLOSING DATE AND TIME: 17/03/2023 – 15:00 hrs CET

INTRODUCTION TO Advancing Together (AT)

The Advancing Together has been established on the purpose of creating a stable environment in Kosovo for the integration of the communities through advocating and developmental support; promoting human rights and supporting all communities in the local, regional and European integration processes.

Advancing Together (AT) is founded on universal principles of human rights and promotes values of equality, inclusion, diversity, dialogue, and solidarity. It promotes social justice and socio-economic inclusion and development for all individuals and groups regardless of their ethnic, religious, gender, or social backgrounds. For further information on AT, its mandate and operations, please see


AT invites qualified service providers to make a firm offer for the establishment of Frame Agreement(s) for the provision of Removing illegal landfill (referred to hereinafter as services).

AT may award Frame Agreement(s) with the duration of 2 (two)] months. The successful bidders will be requested to maintain their quoted price model for the duration of the Contract(s).


The following annexes form an integral part of this Request for Proposal:

Annex A: Terms of Reference (TOR)

Annex B: Technical Offer Form

Annex C: Financial Offer Form


We would appreciate if you write us to share with you the above annexes on the following e- mail: [email protected]:


Bidders are required to submit any request for clarification or any question in respect of this RFP by e-mail to Edona Mekuli, Project Coordinator at [email protected]. The deadline for receipt of questions is 23:59 hrs on 09/03/2023. Bidders are requested to keep all questions concise.