
Request for Proposal
Invitation No: CDF/IEEA/034 /2023 Pristina, 27.04.2023
Community Development Fund (CDF) is a nongovernmental organization with the mission to work on community development and create conditions for integration, equal access and inclusion through expertise and innovation solutions, through supporting local initiatives, as well as capacity building in communities.
CDF is implementing the USAID funded Kosovo Inclusive Economic Engagement (IEE) Activity, which is a five-year project aimed at empowering and reviving women- and minority-owned micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The activity will increase economic opportunities and improve the resiliency of target MSMEs. Strengthening them will contribute to private sector growth and increased integration into the overall economy in Kosovo.
The Community Development Fund invites all eligible companies to submit a combined technical and financial proposals with the required documents as per ToR in order to provide the consulting services:
Development of a promotional and awareness-raising campaign for women and minority-owned businesses for the Inclusive Economic Engagement Activity
Inclusive Economic Engagement Activity recognizes the importance of promoting and supporting women and minority-owned businesses in Kosovo. One of the main challenges faced by these businesses is the lack of visibility and recognition in the marketplace. To address this, the Activity is seeking to develop a promotional campaign that will increase public awareness and support for these businesses. The campaign aims to highlight the services and products provided by women and minority-owned businesses and the positive impact they have on the local economy.
In addition to the promotional campaign, the Activity is also seeking to develop a visual brand and marketing identity for women and minority-owned MSMEs in Kosovo. This will include creating a brand that represents the unique qualities and values of these businesses, such as their commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and community. By developing a strong visual brand and marketing identity, the Activity aims to create a strong and recognizable presence for women and minority-owned MSMEs in the marketplace, which will help increase their visibility, credibility, and ultimately their success.
The complete tender documents may be obtained by interested companies upon submitting of a request at the following email address: [email protected] every day from 09:00-15:00hrs .
Offers must remain valid 30 days after the submission date.
Your proposals must be send to email address: [email protected] latest by May 19, 2023 at 12:00hrs. No late proposals will be accepted.