
Call for Expression of Interest

  • star Publikuar: 06-02-2025
  • star Skadon: 17-02-2025

Ky konkurs ka skaduar

Kategoritë Burime Njerëzore
Vendi i punës Prishtinë
Shikime 559

UNICEF is seeking an experienced human resource (HR) or financial company to provide technical support for the recruitment, contracting and related payment of MICS enumerators/interviewers and other support personnel who will be engaged in the data collection and MICS implementation process. The process of recruitment will be conducted jointly with UNICEF and KAS to ensure transparency and alignment with MICS guidelines and standards, as specified in pdf document.

The selected company will play a pivotal role in:

  • Streamlining the hiring process to attract qualified candidates who meet the requirements as per the MICS methodology/protocols that will be provided by UNICEF and KAS.
  • Ensuring all service contracts are legally sound and clearly outline responsibilities and expectations.
  • Executing timely and accurately fee and per diems’ payments, thereby maintaining the motivation and commitment of the enumerators.

For all positions required to be identified and hired (Supervisors, Interviewers and Measurers), UNICEF and KAS will provide detailed Terms of the Reference (ToR) specifying, the roles and responsibilities, timeframe of engagement, fee rates, and other engagement details in line with the MICS methodology/protocol. The training of recruited staff falls outside the remit of the assignment; and will be carried out by KAS and UNICEF.

Considering the complexity and the sensitivity of the process, UNICEF will organize an informative session with all interested companies whereby will provide additional information and clarity for the requested services. The informative session will take place on 11.02.2025 at 15:00 o’clock in UNICEF office in Prishtina (Ukshin Hoti Street No.120, C3/2a - Prishtina 10000 / Kosovo). Online participation will also be provided and interested companies are encouraged to reach out to UNICEF expressing interest to join the informative session online.

All interested companies (institutions) should then prepare their offer in line with below attached pdf document (“RFP for HR services RE_MICS.pdf”).

Proposals presented in English language, consisting of technical and financial details in separate files, should be submitted by 17.02.2025, 17:00 to the email address: [email protected]

For further details and the PDF document, please follow the link: Request for proposal