
Terms of Reference: For contracting a company to provide logistical support and services for the organization of 2nd Rural Parliament

  • star Publikuar: 12-10-2022
  • star Skadon: 14-10-2022

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Kategoritë Ftesa për Tender
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Rahovec
Shikime 4006

Terms of Reference

For contracting a company to provide logistical support and services for the organization of 2nd Rural Parliament

I. Background

The We Effect funded project Active Development and Empowerment of NORDK” aims at at strongly empowered Network that could position the interests of the member organizations and their beneficiaries higher in the development agenda of the local and central governments.

This project will affect the empowerment of the NORDK through activities and actions taken. Empowerment of the Network practically means empowerment of overall capacities to address, promote, advocate and lobby for ideas, policies that promote the advancement of the rural development sector and enable practitioners of this sector to be the voice of the community The aim of this ToR is to contract a local company – service provider to provide logistical services and support for the activities of the 2nd Rural Parliament of Kosovo.

Objectives and scope of the service

The overall objective of the ToR/Call is:

To provide a logistical and organizational services for 2nd Rural Parliament. The selected company will be contracted under a service contract modality.

The service is expected to be completed in accordance with the timeframe planned by the management of NORDK.

The activities of the 2nd Rural Parliament are planned from 19-21 October 2022 (with arrivals on 19 and conclusion of the event activities on 21 October 2022).

Tasks and responsibilities:

  • The company will work in close cooperation with Project Manager and with executive staff of NORDK;
  • Company should arrange the hotel accommodation, meals and other required services according to the normal standards by respecting all hygienic conditions and professional requirements
  • At least 2-3 staff employees of the contracted company should be present at the event for assistance and all needs;’
  • Staff of the contraced company should be in regular communication with NORDK Executive Staff – Executive Director, Afrim Sharku and Project Manager, Teuta Jaha for all needs and requirements;

The expected deliverable is focused on:

Organize, arrange, support, and provide:

Accommodation for 25 participants x 2 Nights(Full board including breakfast)The venue of accommodation and activities - sessions have to be in Region of Prizren respectively in area of Prevalla/Prevallac, where are located several hotels, apartments.
Meals (Lunch and Dinners)3 Lunch and 2 Dinners for 50 Participants

2 Lunches will be arranged during the field trips in rural areas. The contracted company should plan to provide-0rganize the lunch for the 1st group in Suhareka (25 participants) and 2nd Group in Decan ( 25 participants). In total in total 50 participants.

1 lunch and 2 other dinners should be covered-arranged in the premises of the venue of the activity (50 participants in total)

Transport for 25 Participants

The company have to cover the transport expenditures of the participants traveling from different places to the Prevalla (Prizren).

Fuel Costs that should be reimbursed/covered should be calculated with 0.30 Cent per Liter. There will be 10-13 vehicles that will need fuel reimbursment. The participants by vehicles will travel from:

Peja -Prevalla - Peja

Decan to Prevalla - Decan

Prishtina to Prevalla - Prishtina

Klina to Prevalla-Klina

Mitrovica to Prevalla - Mitrovica

Podujeva to Prevalla - Podujeva

Kamenica to Prevalla - Kamenica

Suhareka to Prevalla – Suhareka

Company should organize transport for one international representative from the Prishtina Airport to venue of the activities on the 19.10.2022

Translation and Equipments

Simulant Translation: Albanian – English – Albanian for 50 participants (50 headphones)

2 days translation:

  • 1st working day (20.10.2022) from 09:30 to 17:30
  • 2nd working day (21.10.2022) from 09:00 to 12:30.

4 fixed microphones for the main panel (1st working day from 09:30 t0 17:30 and 2 mobile microphones for the participants/delegates for two days of the session 20 & 21.10.2022.

Zoom equipments for 2 day: 20 &21.10.2022.

Field trips organized on 19/10/2022 will be last from 09:30 until 16:30 (One interpreter from Albanian to English-Albanian) will be needed for the one group.

II. Duty Travel and Accommodation

The requirements regarding the travel/transport services are described in the above section of the ‘Excepted Deliverables’.

III. Coordination and Reporting

The dates of 2nd Rural Parliament are from 19-21 October 2022. The arrivals are planned for 19 October2022 and the conclusion / departure is planned for 21 October 2022.

The selected company will be in direct contact with the staff of NORDK’s ADEN project. The selected party will also be responsible to report to the Project Manager, Teuta Jaha,([email protected]) verbally or in written form depending on the requirements. The proposal should also include the officer in charge for communication with NORDK project manager.

IV. Qualificationsand requirements

The company should meet the following criteria:

  • Business documentation (registration certificate and documents);
  • Financial offer should be provided in EUR, VAT included, with clear breakdown of costs;
  • Financial offer should be specified for each of four (4) services mentioned in the ToR.

The contracted service provider will be obliged to perform the following competences:

  • Demonstrate professional competence and conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments.
  • Observing deadlines and achieving results.

V. Application procedure

Display cultural, gender, ethnic, religious and age sensitivity, and adaptability

The deadline for submission of offers is 14 October 2022

Interested companies-service providers should submit the application to: [email protected] (cc. to [email protected]) or deliver the hard copy documentation to the NORDK office on the following address: Street UCK, 21000 Rahovec, Kosovo.

The application should include the following documents:

  • For companies: Business documentation (registration certificate)
  • Financial offer should be provided in EUR, VAT included.
  • Any questions or need clarification related to the TOR, should be submitted to: [email protected] and Cc: afrim[email protected] not later than 13 October 2022.

VI. Evaluation of the offers

The incomplete applications are not going to be taken into consideration and are not going to be subject to further evaluation. The evaluation of offers will be based on the “best value for money principle” by using a weighted scoring method to evaluate the combination of the applicants’ qualification (70%) and financial proposal (30%).

VII. Terms of payment

The payment is expected to be done based on the invoice(for company) or for consultant directly to the active bank account. In case of individual consultant, taxes and contributions will be applied within the agreed amount. Advance payment is not considered. The overall amount for all services should not exceed the amount of 7,450 Euro. For the performed and provided services the contracted company should prepare Invoice according to the modalities of Contract and services provided.

VIII. Declaration of relationships

[The Applicant shall describe if their organization/employees have any business or personal relationships with closely associated party from We Effect, its Regional Office in Skopje, its governing bodies and employees or with similar bodies/persons of the Client [the Organization publishing this ToR].

Closely associated party (persons, physical or legal) as per We Effect’s definition is considered person who has the possibility to exert control over, or significant influence on, the other person when it comes to financial and operative decision-making concerning an activity. The purpose of the Declaration is to disclose such information which makes the application and evaluation process more transparent and supports the bids in its relevance according to conditions on the open market.]