
Request for quotation for “Rent of advertisement spaces for three months in city centre of Prizren, Gjakove, Gjilan, Peje & Mitrovica, print and place the designs"

  • star Publikuar: 16-11-2022
  • star Skadon: 22-11-2022

Ky konkurs ka skaduar

Kategoritë Ftesa për Tender
Numri i pozitave 1
Vendi i punës Mitrovicë, Pejë, Gjakovë, Gjilan, Prizren
Shikime 2841


The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is pleased to invite your company to submit a quotation for Rent of advertisement spaces for three months in city centre of Prizren, Gjakove, Gjilan, Peje, Mitrovica, Ferizaj, print and place the designs.

Please prepare your quotation (offer) in accordance with the requirements presented in the attached documents and submit it to UNICEF before the deadline.

  • Please note all the requirements and specifics of this request for quotation in the attached document LRQS-2022-9179544.
  • Proof of experience: The company should provide references or confirmations for the Previous Experiences on similar services.
  • Bidder should be in continuous business of offering similar services for the last 2 years.
  • Partial bidding is allowed.
  • Offer are to be submitted:

Via sealed envelopes at UNICEF Prishtina, to the following address:

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Ramiz Sadiku Building, “Ukshin Hoti” Street, nr. 120, Entrance C3/2a, 10000, Prishtina, Kosovo

Deadline for submission: 22.11.2022 by 15:00 o’clock. Offers received after the set deadline will not be considered.

All correspondence, notifications, and requests for clarifications in relation to this RFQ shall be sent to UNICEF Pristina e-mail: [email protected]

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