USAID Private Sector-Led Workforce Development Activity(PSWD)
Issuance Date: 25.09.2023
Closing Date: 12.10.2023
Closing Time: 17:00 Central European Time (GMT+1)
Subject: Request for Proposals (RFP) Number 020, Private Workforce Dashboard Digital Solutions, Private Sector-Led Workforce Development Activity (PSWD)
This RFP is issued by the International Research and Exchange Board (IREX) and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
This Request for Proposals details the information required by the applicant for the development and submission of a competitive proposal to create and maintain a Private Workforce Dashboard Digital Solution as per the included Scope of Work and Technical Specifications. Potential applicants are expected to review, understand, and conform with specifications contained in this RFP. Failure to do so will be at the applicant’s own risk and may result in disqualification from consideration for selection.
All submissions in response to this RFP must reference the following title:
RFP-Number 020-PSWD: Private Workshop Dashboard Digital Solution
This RFP consists in its entirety of this cover letter, Schedule A, and the following Attachments: Attachment 1: Technical Specifications, Attachment 2: Financial Proposal Template, and Attachment 3: Initial Co-Creation Design
Applicants should refer only to this RFP and its contents when responding. Questions and communications regarding this RFP must be submitted to [email protected]
Issuance of this RFP does not constitute a commitment on the part of PSWD nor does it commit PSWD to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal. All proposals are submitted at the risk of the applicant. All preparation and submission costs are at the applicant's expense.
Thank you for your interest in PSWD’s activities.
USAID Private Sector-Led Workforce Development Activity
This RFP aims to define the necessary components for the development of a private-workforce dashboard digital solution. The primary objective is to consolidate and analyze data from multiple sources to provide valuable insights for workforce development and decision-making in the sectors of ICT, Agribusiness, and Wood Processing.
The project aims to develop a data-driven dashboard that offers valuable information and analytics to stakeholders to make informed decisions and drive growth in their respective industries. The dashboard will facilitate evidence-based decision-making, resource allocation, and policy development through visualizations, reports, and predictive analytics.
The goal of the Private Sector-Led Workforce Development Activity in Kosovo is to create a private sector-led workforce development ecosystem that equips youth with the skills necessary to contribute to growth industries driving Kosovo’s economic development. The objective of the activity is to embolden the private sector to develop and strengthen the workforce, resulting in more market-driven skills.In each targetedsector – ICT, agribusiness, and wood processing.
The mission of this Activity is to strengthen bonds and increase collaboration among actors in these industries to create a more robust and efficient job market through the following components:
- Advancing private sector leadership in collaboratively determining needs, designing, and financing tailored workforce solutions;
- Strengthening private sector and key workforce ecosystem actors’ capabilities to co- implement and co-assess workforce solutions;
- Strengthening workforce ecosystem relationships for sustained collaboration on inclusive employment solutions.
The primary audiences of the activity are: Kosovan youth, women and minorities seeking job opportunities, Private sector businesses engaged in ICT, agribusiness, and wood processing, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions, Kosovan diaspora.
This Activity is supported by USAID and implemented by IREX in collaboration with partners Crimson Capital Corp. (Crimson), Development Gateway (DG), Germin, and Open Data Kosovo (ODK).
The main objectives of the private-workforce dashboard solution are as follows:
- Provide stakeholders with a comprehensive view of work force development in the three targeted industries of ICT, Agribusiness, and Wood Processing.
- Identify skill gaps and training needs to support work force development initiatives.
- Predict future trends and challenges to proactively address them.
- Enable data-driven decision-making and resource allocation.
- Improve collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders through incorporation into the councils' platform.
Potential applicants who believe they can design, adapt, implement, and support all of the above
objectives are welcome to submit competitive proposals for funding under this opportunity.
Proposals responding to this funding opportunity must explain their technical and operational approach, staffing structure, technical development process, detailed budgetary requirements, and expected timeline for completion of the Scope of Work, which is comprised of the following activities:
- Development of a custom-tailored dashboard web-based digital solution as per the specification
and requirements in this RFP; - Suggest appropriate hosting server requirements and provide technical advising to PSWD and partners on hosting and server considerations for the digital solution;
- Hosting of servers for the digital solution;
- Provision of annual maintenance and updates for a period of at least two years
following the live launch of the digital solution and transfer of all deliverables under the contract; - Development of user and coding manuals and a set of standard operating procedures for the users in partnership with PSWD.
The technical specifications and details of the envisioned web-based dashboard digital solution are provided in Attachment I of this RFP. An initial design based on co-creation with the targeted sectors is included as Attachment III.
Proposals are expected to include a robust management, feedback, and compliance methodology, and should include at a minimum a detailing of the following:
- Project management approach – agile methodology should be utilized for flexibility;
- Standard and detailed testing procedures should be demonstrated;
- The final product link will be published in the existing official website of the targeted sector associations (ICT, Agribusiness, and Wood processing)
- Ensure compliance with legal requirements including compliance with any relevant data protection legislation (including GDPR);
- Consult, discuss and receive feedback from the PSWD team at each stage of the proposal development and during the support phase;
Proposals must include the following deliverables as part of the development, testing, roll-out, and support to the envisioned dashboard.
Deliverable Table
DELIVERABLE | Anticipated DueDate |
Produce an inception report and accompanying presentation on achievements and progress to date | Nov - 2023 |
Create a live and functioning dashboard proposal that is able to be widely accessed via multiple web-based proposals, operating systems, and form factors | Jan - 2024 |
Deliver a complete copy of all source code for the digital solution by the end of the period of performance of the contract | Apr - 2024 |
Create a coding manual and a user manual for the digital solution | Apr - 2024 |
Design and facilitate up to 3 training sessions on dashboard usage and management for up to 10 individuals, to be nominated by PSWD after contracting | Apr - 2024 |
Provide all necessary credentials and access information in relation to maintaining the digital solution | Apr - 2024 |
Proposals will be evaluated both for their technical and financial merit, but also for their ability to demonstrate the capacity and capability to complete work as per the following implementation timeline. The live, accessible web-based dashboard digital solution is expected to be launched by no later than 30.03.2024.
Further detailing of the timeline can be found below.
BY October2023 | Contract Signing | |
BY November2023 | The contractor review key documents and refine the methodology of the assignment; prepare inception report with user and process flow diagram and present the inception report | Discussion with the project team |
During the assignment | Regular update and discussion with the project team - biweekly updates of progress towards deliverables and milestones submitted by email | |
BY 20 December 2023 | The contractor submits a progress report and demonstrates the progress to the wider team | Discussion with the wider project team |
BY 15 February 2024 | The contractor share a test link to the deliverables | Discussion with the wider project team |
BY 28 February 2024 | The contractor reviews the comments and make adjustments to the dashboards | |
BY 31 March 2024 | The contractor submit the fully functional link to the dashboard | Discussion with the wider project team |
BY 15 April 2024 | The contractor complete the dashboards | Confirmation with the project team |
Any questions concerning this RFP should be submitted in writing not later than 17:00 on Oct 04, 2023, to [email protected] Prospective applicants are encouraged to submit any questions or clarifications as soon as possible.
Following the publishing of the RFP, PSWD will conduct an open Question and Answer session on Oct 06, 2023 (venue and time to be determined) for interested applicants and subsequently publish all responses to submitted questions. Applicants interested in participating in the open Q&A session must send an email to [email protected] with the name and email of the individual(s) who will attend no later than Oct 05,2023. Applicants are encouraged to bring questions related to the design, development, integration, and support phases of the intended award.
Applicants should retain for their records a copy of all submissions under this RFP. PSWD is unable to return any submitted documents or materials.
Proposals must be received in full by 17:00 CET (GMT +1) on Oct 12, 2023 at [email protected]
Pre-award costs are not allow able and will not be reimbursed. All costs related to the development, drafting, and submission of proposals in response to this RFP are the sole responsibility of the applicant.
Proposals and any attachments must be submitted to the following email address: [email protected] No other submission method is acceptable. Hard copies proposals will not be accepted, will be marked as ineligible, and cannot be returned to the applicant. Phone calls will not be accepted in reference to this RFP.
A complete proposal must include the following components. Incomplete submissions will be accepted and evaluated only at the discretion of PSWD and may be marked as ineligible.
Component | Notes andDetails |
Proposal Cover Page | Proposals should include a cover page with the following elements:
| |
Technical Proposal | The Technical Proposal must respond in full to the Proposal Objectives, Scope of Work, Deliverables, Methodology, and Timeline outlined in this RFP. Proposals that do not fully respond to the RFP will be considered only at the discretion of PSWD. The Technical Proposal must be submitted in Microsoft Word or searchable PDF and must include the following elements:
Financial Proposal | The Financial Proposal must be submitted in Microsoft Excel format with unlocked formulae and no hidden numbers or calculations as per Attachment 2 of this RFP.
Financial Proposals should explain the total cost of the Technical Proposal and should clearly connect costs to activities and phase of dashboard design, development, integration, testing, and support. Costs must demonstrate that the applicant has conducted market research to ensure that items in the Financial Proposal are reasonable and allowable.
At a minimum, Financial Proposals must include all Project Management, Dashboard Development, and Operational Costs. Each cost should be explained or justified.
No lump sum budgets or budgets without appropriate descriptions of each proposed costwill be accepted. |
Other Materials | A copy of your organization’s registration to operate in Kosovo should be included with your proposal. Applicants are encouraged to provide any additional supporting documentation or information that is relevant to the review of their Technical and Financial Proposals. |
Funding Restrictions:
- Funds provided under the terms of this RFP shall not be used to finance any of the following commodities as per ADS 312 Eligibility of Commodities:
✔ Ineligible Commodities: Military equipment, surveillance equipment, commodities or equipment for the support of police or other law enforcement activities, abortion equipment and services, luxury goods, gambling equipment, weather modification equipment.
✔ Restricted commodities: Agricultural commodities (including grains, seeds, crops, lumber, meats, or dairy products), motor vehicles, pharmaceuticals, contraceptives and condoms, pesticides, used equipment, fertilizer.
✔ Others: Purchases of goods or services restricted or prohibited under the prevailing USAID source and nationality and other regulations found under ADS 310 or from countries and suppliers as may be identified by USAID’s consolidated list of debarred, suspended or ineligible subcontractors at http://www.sam.gov/.
- Any purchases or activities deemed unnecessary to successfully completethe activity, including any organizational overheador operating expensesthat are not directly linkedto the implementation of the proposed proposal activities.
- Constructioncosts.
- Operational and personnelexpenses of trainingdelivery other than those expenses noted in Section III above as approved expenses
- Previous obligations and / or bad debts.
- Fines and / or penalties.
- Other unallowable costs as detailed under USAID and/or federal regulations such as referenced 2 CFR 200 Subpart E Cost Principles and FAR 31 Cost Principles for Commercial Organizations.
Late Proposals
Late proposals will be marked as “late” and may be ineligible for review or award. PSWD reserves the right to accept and include late proposals in the review and award process when it is considered within the best interest of PSWD to do so.
All proposals received by the stated due date will be evaluated by PSWD according to the evaluation criteria detailed below.
Proposals will be graded on a scale from 0 – 100 points, based on the following criteria:
Evaluation Criteria | Weighting | Evaluation Questions and Considerations |
Technical Proposal |
50 points | Is the proposal directly relevant to PSWD’s stated Objectives, Scope of Work, and Deliverables as noted in Section II of this RFP? Does the proposal build upon the initial design shared in Attachment III of this RFP? Does the proposal clearly explain the intended impact(s), goal(s), and result(s) of the proposal? Does the proposal respond to the expected timeline? Does the applicant clearly demonstrate they understand the environment, context, and challenges of the proposed work? Is the proposal’s scope realistic and attainable? Does the proposal clearly target the intended data sources and information? |
Organizational Capacity and Past Performance |
15 points | Does the technical proposal clearly demonstrate that the applicant has the capacity, knowledge, understanding, relevant skills, and resources to complete the proposed activities? Does the applicant have a successful history of implementing similar projects?
Can the applicant adhere to all USAID regulations and guidelines? |
Financial Proposal |
35 points | Is the Financial Proposal competitive? Does the Proposal Budget clearly align with activities and expected costs explained in the Technical Proposal Narrative and justify each cost? Is the Proposal Budget completed correctly and are all costs clearly explained and documented by individual line item? Does the applicant demonstrate a clear understanding of the financial resources needed to implement the proposal? Are all included costs reasonable, allowable, and allocable? Are all costs in line with prevailing market rates? |
This RFP is governed by the following USG regulations:2 CFR 200, 2 CFR 700
Standard Provisions for Non-U.S., Nongovernmental Recipients: https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/303mab.pdf