- Office manager - (1 position)
- Project officer - (1 position)
- Procurement officer - (1 position)
- Intern (paid) - (1 position)
Office manager (1 position)
- Point person for office maintenance and third-party communication and coordination.
- In charge of the office budget while taking care of eliminating unnecessary costs
- Participate actively in the planning and execution of company events
- Provide general support to team
- Maintain a safe, clean, secure, and pleasant work environment
- Design and implement filing systems for business, finance, and HR and keep them maintained and current
- Analyze and monitor internal processes and lead improvements
- Support the process of preparing, approving, processing, and filing incoming invoices
- Support the payroll process
- Ensure office efficiency is maintained by carrying out planning and execution of all necessary operational tasks and procedures
- Other administrative tasks (visa employment document, copying and scanning, answering the phone, etc)
- Bachelor's degree in business administration, communications, or a related field
- 2+ years of work experience in an administrative/office management role
- Must have exceptional attention to detail
- Strong organizational and time management skills, and ability to prioritize
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Excellent written and verbal communication in English
- Ability to work in the multinational team of experts
Project officer - (1 position)
- Support in the management of relations with local partners, institutions, local authorities, and international bodies involved in the project
- Support in the coordination (annual, quarterly, monthly) of activities programming
- Support in the coordination of visibility actions (public events, materials production), public relations, and results dissemination
- Support in the coordination of internal and external monitoring and evaluation processes
- Support in the drafting of periodical progress reports and financial reports
- Support in the management of a regular and effective communication with the international experts involved in the project
- Support in the organization of on-site training and technical assistance missions of international experts involved in the project.
- At least 3 years of proven experience in similar fields
- At least 2 years of proven experience in the organization of training programs addressing rural and /or civil society actors
- Excellent relation skills in regard to formal and informal actors
- Excellent organizational and managerial skills
- Languages: Albanian & English
Zyrtar/e E-Prokurimit (1 position)
- Asiston ne menaxhimin dhe organizimin e puneve dhe aktiviteteve te E-Prokurimit dhe ndihmon ne te gjitha procedurat relevante .
- Ndihmon dhe asiston ne pergaditjen dhe dorezimin e ofertave
- Asiston ne pergaditjen dhe dorezimin e kerkesave per sqarim te dosjes se tenderit ,rishqyrtimit te saj apo edhe ankese.
- Kryen edhe punet tjera ne pajtim me qellimin e vendimit te punes te cilat mund te kerkohen nga Punedhesnesi .
- Te jete i/e gatshme te punoje ne presion te kohes.
- Ndjek operacionet e përditshme të departamentit te administrates/dergimi I raporteve .
- Njofton mbikqyrësin për çdo llojëkërkese.
Kerkesat dhe aftesitë:
- Se paku 1 vjet eksperienc pune ne E-Prokurim
- Njohje te qasjes,npraktikave dhe ofertimit ne E-prokurim
- Njohje te ligjeve, rregulloreve dhe kerkesave ne fushen e E-Prokurimit
- Aftesi te mira komunikuese dhe menaxhuese
- Njohja e gjuhes angleze
- Shkahtesi kompjteruike
- Njohje te rregullave dhe ligjeve
- Administrative support to the project operation, as per the instructions of the project team. Assistance to the team in gathering and filling documentation on project activities.
- Support the project community mobilization activities.
- Organization and booking of venues for project activities, travel and accommodations.
- Other duties as assigned from the Office Manager.
Technical Skills
- Excellent knowledge of Albanian and English,
- Systematic in documentation gathering and filing.
- Excellent command of the basic Microsoft Office programs (excel, word, PowerPoint, outlook, etc.) and excellent knowledge of social networking.
- Excellent communication skills.
- Availability for working 20 hours per week.
How to apply:
- Please submit a Curriculum Vitae to the following e-mail address: [email protected] no later than 07.04.2023 with the subject the position you are applying for.
- Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.