
Questions and Answers

  • star Publikuar: 03-12-2024
  • star Skadon: 18-12-2024

Ky konkurs ka skaduar

Kompani Chemonics
Kategoritë Të tjera
Vendi i punës Prishtinë
Shikime 904

Questions and Answers

Date: 02/12/2024

Purpose: Answers to questions

For RFP No: RFP FFP_013_Transcription Software for Basic Courts

Dear potential offeror,

Below you will find the questions and answers that we have received regarding the RFP-FFP 013:

Question 1:

Regarding Deliverable No. 4, which requests:

A comprehensive budget proposal with two options (for all courtrooms and for one courtroom in each court), including initial costs for hardware and software as well as projected annual maintenance costs…

We kindly ask for clarification on the exact number of courtrooms in each court that require transcription services. Specifically, could you please provide details on the number of courtrooms for the following courts: Pristina, Ferizaj, and Gjilan?

This information is essential for us to effectively plan and prepare an accurate quotation. Answer 1:

The Basic Court of Prishtina:

The court has 16 courtrooms in total. Of these, 2 are equipped with both audio and video systems, and 14 are equipped only with audio systems.

The Basic Court of Ferizaj:

The court has 8 courtrooms in total. Of these, 1 is equipped with an audio-video system, and 7 are equipped only with audio systems.

The Basic Court of Gjilan:

The court has 10 courtrooms in total. Of these, 1 is equipped with an audio-video system, and 9 are equipped only with audio systems.

Question 2:

The RFP specifies that warranty coverage must be valid for at least three (3) years after the delivery and acceptance of the commodities. However, hardware manufacturers typically provide a standard 1-year warranty, which is common practice in Kosovo. Extending the warranty to three years would require purchasing additional coverage at an extra cost. Is this requirement mandatory, or can we propose the standard 1-year warranty coverage instead?

Answer 2:

In response to the requirement for a three-year warranty coverage, we recommend providing the standard one-year manufacturer’s warranty, as it aligns with industry practices in Kosovo. However, to address the RFP's specifications, we propose including an option for extending the warranty coverage for an additional two years. This would be presented as a separate cost item in the proposal, allowing for a clear understanding of the financial implications of meeting the three-year warranty requirement. This approach ensures compliance with the RFP while offering flexibility to the contracting entity

Question 3:

RFP requires offerors to provide three past performance references for similar work. Should references issued in the Albanian language be translated into English, or can they be submitted in their original Albanian language?

Answer 3:

We recommend submitting the original references in Albanian, as they are an integral part of the documentation. Additionally, a translated version in English should be provided to facilitate the evaluation process. Please note that while the translation is required, it does not need to be a certified translation. This approach ensures that the references are both accessible and understandable to the reviewing entity while minimizing unnecessary costs or delays.