USAID Kosovo Municipal Integrity Activity
Request for Applications No. RFA–KMI–2024–0002
Comprehensive Monitoring of Public Works Procurement Activities
The USAID Kosovo Municipal Integrity (USAID KMI) activity is a five-year USAID-funded initiative implemented by DAI Global L.L.C. The USAID KMI is working on addressing long-standing challenges related to corruption and poor-quality service delivery by the Government of Kosovo. This is achieved through enhancing public financial management (PFM), with a focus on municipal procurement, and by reinforcing accountability mechanisms both within government and outside of government through civil society, the private sector, and media.
The purpose of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to solicit applications for funding to implement activities that contribute to improving the integrity and accountability of public and private sector actors in public procurement. In response to this RFA, the USAID KMI activity expects to award around One (1) grant, amounting up to 25.000 €, to fund one successful application.
Eligibility: USAID KMI activity is seeking grant applications from qualified legally registered Civil Society Organizations, CSOs.
Questions and Clarifications for first round concept papers: Potential applicants must submit all questions and requests for clarifications regarding this RFA in writing via email to [email protected] by May 30, 2024, at 16:00. All correspondence regarding this solicitation must reference the RFA number in the subject line. No phone calls or in-person inquiries will be
Deadline: Applications must be submitted in electronic format to [email protected] ,no later than June 10, 2024, 16:00 Kosovo local time. RFA–KMI–2024–0002