Request for Offers for provision of accommodation and venue services for organization of workshops
Project number: P220003
Project title: Municipal Action for Reintegration and Diaspora – MARDI
Activity: Organization of workshops for Development of Municipal Action Plans 2023 – 2025 in country municipalities
Date of invitation: | 02.09.2022 |
We kindly ask you to submit your offer for the “Provision of accommodation and venue services for organization of workshops”, following the details in this document.
Completed offers may be submitted on or before 30 September 2022. Late offers will not be accepted and will not be considered for evaluation.
1) Method of submission:
- Tender documents (Annex 1 and Annex 2) can be requested in address [email protected] CC: [email protected]
- Deadline to submit the offer is 30th of September 2022 in address [email protected] CC: [email protected]
- File Format: PDF, signed and stamped
2) General conditions:
- The financial offer must be in EURO, whilst price must be exempt from VAT
- The offer shall remain valid for 20 days from the deadline for the Submission of Offer
- The deadline for the Submission of Offer is by 30 September 2022, until 16:00
- Documents may be submitted in English or Albanian
- Payment will be made through the bank account after completion of each workshop (per region)
- Organization of workshops will be implemented during the period of October – November 2022 (Attached the tentative days of workshop)
- The tentative number of participants will be up to 35, while the workshops set will be organized in three-days round for six regions overall in Kosovo
- The bidder must consider complying with the latest anti-Covid measures taken by the government and possess all preventive measure for protection of participants (disinfection and others if required)
- The bidder must appoint a focal point/person that will be a first contact relating to the workshops organization services and share all contact information to the Consultancy Company facilitator/organizer contracted from CACH
- Hotels in Albania are also eligible for application in the call
- Location in Sharr, Rugova, Boge, Brezovica places/region and/or abroad (in Albania) are preferable and have priority in selection process
- In total 6 workshops will be organized with up to 35 participants for three-days each workshop
- Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo will sign the service agreement with selected service provider based on the agreed technical and financial terms and for the respective timeline of activities
- Transportation of participants from respective region to the hotel and back to municipalities
3) Documents to be submitted by the successful Service Provider:
- Annex 1: Technical Offer duly completed and signed*
- Annex 2: Financial Offer duly completed and signed*
- Latest Business Registration Certificate*
- VAT registration certificate*
- Confirmation letter for available workshops space and rooms during the respective period (October – November 2022) * (Please see attached the tentative days of workshops under point 4)
- Service provider profile including photos of proposed venue and rooms (with all relevant information of hotel services and benefits) *
All documents marked in * are required to be considered for eligible evaluation.
4) Training dates
Prishtina region | 12, 13, 14 October |
Prizren region | 19, 20, 21 October |
Gjilan region | 26, 27, 28 October |
Peje region | 2, 3, 4 November |
Mitrovica region | 9, 10, 11 November |
Ferizaj region | 16, 17, 18 November |
5) Evaluation Criteria:
- The best-completed offer, with the most affordable price
The offer that complies with all the specifications, requirements and offers the most affordable price, as well as all other evaluation criteria indicated, shall be selected. Any offer that does not meet the requirements shall be rejected.
CACH is not bound to accept any offer, award a contract/Purchase Order, nor be responsible for any costs associated with a Supplier’s/Service Provider’s preparation and submission of an offer, regardless of the selection outcome.
CACH encourages every prospective Supplier/Service Provider to avoid and prevent conflicts of interest, by disclosing to CACH if you, or any of your affiliates or personnel, were involved in the preparation of the requirements, design, specifications, cost estimates, and other information used in this request for offers.
CACH implements a zero tolerance on fraud and other proscribed practices and is committed to identifying and addressing all such acts and practices against CACH, as well as third parties involved in CACH activities. CACH expects its suppliers to adhere to the Code of Conduct.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving your Offer!
MARDI project team