Project: “Joint Action for Decentralization – JAD”, funded by the European Union, managed by the EU Office in Kosovo and implemented by the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection in Kosovo - KOMF in partnership with the Organization for Children without Parental Care - OFAP, SOS Children's Villages Kosovo and KMOP.
Dear Madam/Sir,
KOMF invites companies, to submit offers for the award of the provision of services for the design, development, production and dissemination of promotional material and for the conduction of an awareness raising campaign on social services decentralization process, in frame of the project “Joint Action for Decentralization – JAD”, hereinafter “JAD”.
Contract Title: Development of awareness raising campaign
Reference Number: 002/03/2023
Date of Publication: 10 March 2023
Closing Date: 31 March 2023, at 15:00.
Contracting Authority: Koalicioni i OJQ-ve për Mbrojtjen e Fëmijëve
Address: Sejdi Kryeziu Str. B-4, No 14, 10 000 Prishtinë, Kosovë
Your Offer must be submitted before the deadline in hard copy, in sealed envelopes (two dossier; one original and one copy), at the above-mentioned address.
All submitted documents must conform to the requirements outlined in the Terms of Reference Annex 1.
For additional information about this procurement activity and ToR, please send your questions to the email below:
E-mail: [email protected]
Closing date for questions: 20 March 2023
Please ensure that you submit your offer in the manner and by the time described in the Termes of Reference.